Great Plan

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I waited for a few seconds as my words sunk in before I spoke again. "Rena, we have 5, maybe 10 minutes tops, before they get here."

Her fist closed around the devices in her hand. "You could hear them?"

I nodded. "The plan was to do everything all at once. I come in, get what you need, and then when you walk out they would be there already waiting for you. But, I left early. I wanted to make sure that you had enough time to leave before they got here."

She hummed to herself before dropping the devices onto the floor. "Let's go, then."

I walked over to the steps and sat my foot on the bottom.

Rena came over to my side. "Do you still need help?" She held her hand out.

"Oh," I looked down at the staircase again. "I hadn't even thought about it. Sure, maybe."

Rena giggled as I set my hand in hers. "I did stab you after all."

I nodded as we went up the first step. Not so much pain anymore. A slight pull here and there as the skin and muscles moved.

"That you did."

I felt her squeeze my hand. "I'm sorry about that. I thought I was clear of everything major but I think I nicked something by accident."

I shook my head and looked up to the top of the staircase. "You were clear of everything. I think the jetlag was just finally catching up to me and made things a bit worse than they should have been."

She nodded. "Plus, you didn't really eat a lot on the plane." She added quietly.

Of course she would know that. This woman had made it her mission in life to find me. Once she had, there was no way she was going to just let me go about my life so easily. She would always have a way to find me now.

I nodded. "Or, in France for that matter."

As we reached the top of the steps Rena let go of my hand and pointed down to each end of the hallway in question.

I walked around her to the left side. My eyes flicked down to the door a bit further down the hallway before they returned to the one just around the corner from the stairs. I took a deep breath as I put my hand on the doorknob, then I turned it and opened the door. It swung open easily.

"My old room." I said quietly.

The bed had a white sheet thrown over it, but it still looked like it was made underneath it. The closet door still sat open just slightly and the mess inside peeked out. The bookshelf in the corner still had several books and photos sitting on its shelves, and the dresser just to the right of the door still had makeup and creams sitting on it.

Even with the layer of dust, everything looked as if it had been waiting for me to come back to it.

I turned towards the dresser and opened the top drawer. A frameless picture sat on top and I looked down at it. In the current state of the estate it would have been difficult to believe that this place ever had a beautiful garden like the picture suggested but, when Seungmin, Jeongin and I had first arrived it had been a thriving paradise.

It had been several hundred yards away from the house, which had been a pain to walk to at the time, but it had also secretly made it all the better. It had been Lee Know's favorite place to go to escape his Father, and eventually it had become one of our favorite places to sneak out to. High hedges surrounded the entire thing and bushes and flowers grew wild in planned but unplanned rows. In the height of Summer it felt like a magical place.

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