Trust Goes Both Ways

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I jumped and bit my bottom lip to stop it from trembling when the latch on the door squeaked open.

Not him, not him, I repeated to myself.

Rena rounded the door and closed it behind herself. When she turned she smiled. "Welcome back." She came over and as if it were nothing, lifted my chair back up.

My whole left side felt sore and bruised as I resettled into an upright position.

"Apologies for not being here when you came back to, but I had some business upstairs to take care of."

I lifted my head up and was hit with a wave of nausea. She waved her hand. "Nothing you need to worry about just yet."

She crouched down in front of me and placed both of her hands on either side of my face. "Have you made a decision?"

I looked away as best as I could, to a piece of wall that met with the floor. Rena jostled my head slightly and my eyes came back. A smile was on her face.

"I'll take that as a yes?"

"I thought you wanted me to beg?" She took her hands off of my face. "I thought you wanted to watch me bleed out onto the concrete." Something wasn't right.

She sighed and sat back onto her heels. "As much as that would bring me nothing but joy. It seems that my timeline has just been moved up, so I have decided to just be a normal human being about the whole thing."

I wiggled my fingers trying to get feeling back into them. "I don't want to help you."

She snorted. "Oops." Her hand came up to cover her face slightly in embarrassment.

Then she stood back up. "You are aware that you don't really have a choice in the matter, right?" She motioned to the room around her. "You're already here. And I have no qualms about dragging you kicking and screaming onto a plane. Although that would draw a bit more attention than I would like."

"A plane?" I squirmed in my seat. "What plane?"

Rena rolled her eyes. "Did you really hit your head that hard?"

I felt sick again. She wanted to leave Seoul. She wanted to take me out of the city. Where exactly I couldn't remember.

"Look, we both know how impatient I am. And I know we would both love to drag this out for as long as we could but it's not going to happen." She crouched back down in front of me. "I know you think someone is going to come and save you, but no one is coming."

I turned away and bit the inside of my cheek.

"They don't even know that you are gone yet."

I turned back. "That's not-" I stopped as she held up a finger.

"No one knows. You have been gone..." She looked down at her watch, then back up at me. "16 hours, and no one is aware that you still haven't returned home last night."

"That can't be true." I said quietly, looking down at the floor.

I heard her sigh and take her phone out again. I shook my head. I didn't want to see any more pictures.

"Your brothers are at the library again. No surprise there. They have practically lived there these last couple of weeks. I do not envy College students and the Finals they have to take these days."

I shook my head again. "That's a good guess." Of course she would say that. It was an easy thing to say. They were college students, finals were coming up, and they had been at the library a lot lately. That didn't prove anything.

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