Computer Software Update

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Where am I, I thought as I rolled over in a warm fluffy bed. I pulled the thick covers up over my head, hoping that everything that had happened had just been an awful nightmare. But the second I got a whiff of lavender, I knew that it wasn't.

I sat up and looked around the room. Light poured in from the tall uncovered window. The bed was bigger than anything I had ever slept on and the room was well furnished. A chair and a bookcase sat on the opposite wall, and there was even a fireplace. Something I had neglected to see the night before when Rena had brought me up to the room. I groaned as everything came back to me.

We had gotten off of the plane late last night at Charles De Gaulle International Airport. Rena had swept through the building like she owned the place. For all I knew, maybe she did. No one stopped us at all. I barely remember even seeing anyone and we never went by customs, stood for our luggage, or anything. Just off the plane and out the door.

Then we drove 30 minutes into the city, where we stopped at an old townhouse covered in ivy. Rena had been in a good mood as she showed me up to this room on the third floor. Then she had promised breakfast and a mission briefing whenever I woke up.

I ran both hands through my hair, pushing it away from my face. Then I turned, looking for a clock on the bedside table. 11 it read. My stomach growled. I sighed and pushed covers off of me and swung my legs off the edge.

As I reached for the door handle, I froze. She had left me alone. Again. I spun around. Would there be a phone in the room? I crept back over towards the bed. Both side tables were phone-less. I walked around the room slowly, moving things this way and that, looking for a hidden phone anywhere in the room. No luck. When I made it back to the door, I turned the handle.

I hadn't realized how ornate the house was when we had come in last night. The dark had made it seem just like an ordinary place, and I guess I had been so tired that I hadn't paid any attention to decorations. Old paintings filled the walls and wrapped around the halls all the way down the stairs. Gold and silver frames held the painted captive on the walls.

When I reached the bottom of the steps, I could smell food. My mouth watered and I followed my nose into the dining room.

Rena was sitting at the table when I came in. She had a newspaper open in front of herself and was just flipping to the next page, when her eyes peeked up.

"Oh, good morning!" She tilted the paper down slightly so she could talk over it, and still read.

"Morning. I didn't realize it was so late already."

Rena smiled. "You slept some on the plane, but you must have been exhausted to have slept this late. Plus, I'm sure the time difference will be messing with you soon."

I nodded and pulled out a chair to sit.

"There's mostly French food on the table here, but if you want anything Korean just let me know. My chef trained at several institutions around the world, so he is familiar with Korea's more traditional breakfast foods."

I nodded again and motioned to the food on the table. "This should be fine."

A plate was placed in front of me and I nodded a thanks. The table was indeed covered in mostly French foods. Breads, sweets, fruits, and several small jars of preserves sat on the table. I reached for several blueberries and strawberries. What was everyone's fascination with eating sweets for breakfast?

"Madame?" I looked up as a young woman approached Rena. She moved the paper out of the way and the woman placed a small plate in front of her.

"Merci, Giselle." The woman bowed and backed up away from the table.

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