Back to Seoul

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I couldn't sleep. Every time I closed my eyes, there was Philip staring down at me in the trunk. And as I tried to think about something else, the picture would distort into a nightmare. At this point, I couldn't help but feel guilty about everything that had happened.

I sighed and turned in my seat. Rena was laying with her seat all the way back as she slept, just like she had been for the last several hours. The screen in front of me changed, showing our flight path. We should start our descent in about an hour or so.

"What are you thinking about?"

I flinched at Rena's voice. She didn't sound like she had just woken up. Who knew how long she had actually been awake, waiting for me to make any kind of move.

I turned back to look at her and watched as she moved her seat back into an upright position.

"Family, I guess." I shrugged.

She nodded. "That's understandable." She stood up and stretched in between our seats. "With us going back to Korea, I figured you would be thinking about them at some point."

She brought her hands back down and placed a hand on my shoulder. "I'll think about it."

She continued to the back of the cabin as I sat there letting her words sink in.

"Wait, what?" I turned in my seat to look to the back of the cabin. "What do you mean?"

Rena picked up a bag of chips and popped it open. She put a chip in her mouth and looked back at me. "I'll think about letting you see them."

Suddenly, it was like I couldn't breathe. "Really?" I could feel the uncertainty in my own voice.

She nodded and walked back to her seat before plopping down. "Sure. Might actually be the best thing for you. Let me think about it for just a bit."

I nodded. "Ok."

I could feel a smile tug at the edges of my mouth.

"Looks like we will be landing in a bit." Rena said as she pointed to the screen in front of herself.

I nodded. "Seems that way."

"Good. I'm starting to feel all the jet lag from flying in between countries."

I nodded slightly. "Are we landing at Incheon?"

Rena giggled. "Definitely not. We're landing at a small airstrip to the South of the city. Incheon would be a no-no."

She put another chip in her mouth. "Korea is not as welcoming as France was. We wouldn't even be able to land before security surrounded the plane."

I nodded. "Makes sense."

"Oh," She swallowed the food in her mouth. "Landing is going to be a bit bumpier than you are used to. The airstrip is more like a patch of dirt. It makes it a little more obscure from the air."

"Oh." I nodded. "How many times have you made this landing?"

She paused eating to think. "Enough that it's more of an adrenaline rush at this point. Don't worry about it too much. Just hang on tight and don't pee on yourself, and you can call that a success."

I turned to stare at the back of the seat in front of me and flexed my fingers over the arm rests.

"Let's take your mind off of it." I turned back to Rena who was holding up the MicroSD in her fingers.

"What about it?"

She held it out towards me. "What can you tell me about it?"

I leaned over the aisle and took it from her. I turned it over a couple of times before I responded. "Looks like it's an older model. In surprisingly good shape for what it has been through. Good storage capacity."

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