The Actual Plan

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90 minutes ago

"Whatever it was that you needed to tell me, you could have just said upstairs." The Captain said, leaning up against a shelf in the police station's garage.

It hadn't changed much since I had been in here last. Then, I had been standing firmly on the opposite side of the line. Now... Well now it still kind of felt like I was on the opposite side of the line. Or rather, maybe I was just walking right down the center of the line.

I shook my head. "I want Changbin and Jisung to think that I'm still following the original plan."

The Captain sighed. "So I guess that means you won't be following the plan?"

I shook my head again, but didn't say anything.

"Why are you always doing this?" His voice sounded tired.

I crossed my arms. "Why are you always doing this?"

He sighed again. "What's wrong with the plan?"

I chewed my lip and looked to the side. "There's nothing wrong with your plan."

Silence hung in the air for several seconds. My eyes roamed around the room until they returned to the Captain.

"But?" The Captain said, raising an eyebrow.

"But, I need to convince Rena that I'm still on her side. She has to feel like she's the one that still has all of the power. Especially when it comes to me. If I show up with all of you, she bolts and is gone forever. Any chance to convince her otherwise goes right out the window."

I stopped, waiting for him to interject or to disagree but he didn't. So, I continued on.

"I need to go into the house alone." He frowned. "I need to find the other half of whatever it is that she wants, and I need to give it to her. Then, we both need to be able to walk out of the house together."

"Is that all?" The Captain said.

I nodded. "Basically."

He opened his mouth to say something, but then closed it.

"I know you probably don't like it, but we have to do it this way. If we all show up together Rena won't think I'm still on her side. She has to believe that she can still manipulate me into doing what she wants."

He crossed his arms. "You're right. I don't like it."

Big shock. I thought to myself.

"But, you do have a point."

My mouth slightly dipped open. "I'm sorry, what now?"

He uncrossed his arms and put them back behind him on the shelf. His hands gripped onto the edge and his knuckles whitened.

"You can't claim to be on her side if you show up with us. She would know right away something was off and that would only put you in more danger."

"So, you are actually agreeing with me?"

He looked somewhat defeated, but he nodded all the same. "But, you have to wear a wire. I don't like the way she worms herself into your head and makes you question everything."

I nodded. "Done. But you have to wait until we come back outside to apprehend her."

"Why's that?"

"Less places to hide."

He nodded approvingly. "I can do that. So you really know what it is that she wants?"

"I'm pretty sure I know what it is. Once I get there I'll know for sure."

"And if it's not?" His eyebrow went up again. "And you're still inside?"

"If I'm wearing a wire, I can just let you know. I'll give you some kind of signal or something."

He nodded slowly, "What kind of signal?"

I shrugged. "I'm not sure yet."

"Then how am I supposed to know when to move in?" He scoffed.

I shrugged again. "Don't know, but you'll know."


My eyes were closed. The second the gun had gone off I had squeezed them tight. I knew the sound would be loud. I had expected that, but it was the damage that I was afraid of seeing.

I had watched as the Captain had fallen back into the wall of the estate's office when Lee Know shot him. I had seen the bruise that it had left, even when he was wearing protective equipment.

And, I had watched as Phillip had fallen back onto the couch, holding his bleeding shoulder after Rena had shot him for being rude. I'm sure if I had the time to go looking, the stain would still be there staring back at the rest of the room.



They had fallen... backwards?

But the Captain had moved...


My eyes flew open and I watched in slow motion as everyone was moving.

The Captain had determination written all over his face and his eyes never strayed from the target just past me. No doubt Rena had caught on by now and was trying to sprint away on her own.

Changbin and Jisung were also moving. Changbin was sprinting with everything that he had, his face beginning to flush as his eyes went past me as well. No doubt he would be backing up the Captain.

Jisung on the other hand was looking straight at me. I'm not sure if his face was turning red from running, or if he was trying to hold back all of his emotions. His lips were moving slightly as if he was saying something, but I couldn't make it out.

He slammed into me with the full force of his body and put his arms around me to steady the both of us and the world began to move at normal speed again.

"Oh my god, I thought. I thought..." He squeezed me tighter.

"I'm sorry." I said softly.

I felt him shake his head and he backed up a bit so we were face to face. "No, we are sorry. We should have known that you wouldn't turn again just like that. We were just all so confused."

"I wanted to tell you. But, I knew that the fewer people who knew, the better it would work out."

He squeezed my arms. "It's ok. That was a brilliant idea."

Over my shoulder the Captain's clear voice rang out. "Rena Richelieu you are under arrest for Espionage, Multiple counts of Fraud, Multiple Counts of Conspiracy, Abduction of a Korean citizen, and Murder."

Rena's arms were now behind her in handcuffs and they began walking back towards us and in the direction of the cars.

Rena had a smile on her lips when she looked at me. "Good luck getting any of that to stick. You'll just have to send me back to France. And we all know how that went last time."

"Not if the first crime you committed in Korea predates your other crimes." The Captain said as he neared us.

"Good luck finding anything like that." Rena scoffed as she passed by Jisung and I.

"How about Conspiracy to Murder?" I said as they passed.

The three of them stopped and shuffled slightly around to face me.

"No chance." Rena responded, her smile turning smug like she had a secret that no one knew.

I smiled right back at her. "Not even for Audrey and Min-Su Y/L/N?"

The corner of her mouth twitched slightly and I watched the color drain partially from her face. The Captain and Changbin turned back around and continued to the cars.

Even though Jisung and I were behind them as they walked away, I could see the stiffness in Rena's spine.

She had practically confessed to it just a few minutes ago in the house, and as of this morning we now had the proof to back it up. There was no way she would escape again this time.

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