Not again

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So much happened all at once. Rena pulled on my sleeve just as the Captain moved. Which direction, though, I wasn't sure.

I was back to standing next to her and she put both of her hands on my upper arms. "Y/N, the choices that you make are yours alone. Know that we will always find each other."

"What?" I tilted my head in question, as the door downstairs opened.

We both turned to look at the doorway as a voice rang out in the stairwell. "Seoul City Police, identify yourself!"

I turned back to look at Rena. "What do we do?"

Confusion passed over Rena's face before it solidified back to controlled. "You're with me?"

I nodded as another shout came from the stairwell. "I'm with you."

She smiled. "Good. Play along."

Footsteps began racing up the stairs as Rena pulled me closer to her side, placing me slightly in front of her. A pinch in my side turned into a flood of pain as I leaned backwards. Rena's hand steadied me on my back.

"I got you." She whispered.

A gun rounded the corner. "Seoul City Police, Identify your-"Followed shortly after by the man holding it. "Y/N?"

I was staring straight at the Captain. I felt light headed and dizzy and I blinked several times to make sure that what I was seeing was real. He was really here standing in front of me.

He mirrored me, blinking several times, as if he needed to make sure that I was really here in front of him.

"Hello Captain." Rena's voice echoed from behind me.

He had slightly lowered the gun when he saw me, but now he raised it right back up. "Let her go Rena, and then get down on the ground."

Rena giggled. "Would love to, but that may cause more of a problem on your end than mine."

"Why's that?" He said over his gun.

There was more pain in my side and a sudden heat, followed by the feeling of wetness as something dripped down to my hip.

"She'll bleed out."

I turned my head down to my side and brought a hand to where the wetness felt like it was coming from. My shirt was a shade darker and as I touched it, I hissed in pain.

When I drew my fingers back from the area they were red and sticky with my own blood. I felt like I was going to be sick. That was the most blood I had seen in one place since-

I looked back up and to my side. "Rena?" Fear had crept into my voice. Was I still meant to play along? Or was she finally getting rid of me? Was I not useful anymore? But, she had promised.

She giggled again as her eyes stayed on the Captain. When I turned back to him I saw that he had dropped his aim again and his face had gone pale.

"I'm totally fine if she bleeds out and dies right here and now, but I don't think you would be too fond of that idea. Plus, you know very well that you would have to detain me before you could administer any type of First Aid. And, I have no plans to just sit here and let you save her."

Rena's hand moved from my back to my arm, steadying me. I hadn't even realized that I had been swaying. She squeezed it.

The Captain's eyes narrowed at Rena's words but they never left mine. Pain. That was what I felt, and it's what I saw in his eyes.

"Let me walk out of here and you are free to save her. But, if you wait too much longer, you may not have enough time."

I watched as his eyes finally flitted to Rena before returning back to me. Then he lowered his gun completely. "Fine."

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