Breaking Point

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As we drove towards the city, the rain fell heavier onto the car. Then as we crossed into the city, the rain stopped, but the clouds stuck around, swirling in the air above us. Every now and then we would drive by something that looked familiar, but then we would take a turn that would throw my sense of direction off.

Eventually we pulled up behind an abandoned building. As I looked out the window I could barely make out the top of the building. I wasn't sure why, but something about it felt oddly familiar.

Rena was the one who opened my door for me and she motioned for me to get out.

"Where are we?"

Rena closed the door behind me. "Just one of the buildings that I own. It's not currently in use, but I found the location to be the most important thing." She opened the back door and motioned me inside.

"Why do you say that?" I said once we were both inside.

She smiled and looked up the stairs. "You'll see in just a few minutes." Then she turned to the driver. "Sebs, you stay down here for now, but be ready in case I need you."

He nodded and straightened up in front of the back door.

Rena set one foot on the bottom step and held her hand out to me. "Let's go upstairs and chat." I nodded and took her hand.

She pulled me up the stairs after her. When we reached the fourth floor my legs were a bit wobbly and I was taking big gulps of air. I placed my hand on the banister to keep my balance.

Rena walked a bit forward. Her cheeks were a bit pink but her breathing seemed normal, like the flights of stairs had done nothing to her.

She smiled when she saw me catching my breath. "I promise this is the best vantage point."

I nodded and waved my hand in front of myself. "S'ok."

She giggled and sat on the stairs that kept leading upwards. "Take your time."

I nodded, taking a couple more deep breaths.

A couple minutes later, I was ready to go. Rena stood up from the steps and walked through the doorway into an open room.

I followed after her and looked around the room. Even though it wasn't used for anything, it still looked like it was kept well. There weren't any cobwebs anywhere and it barely looked like there was dust in the corners of the room.

There wasn't any furniture anywhere and sheer cloth hung from the windows, allowing us to see out at the cloudy sky and the city below.

I stopped looking around when something caught my eye. Rena was standing next to the center window. But it was what I was able to see through the window that had made me stop. I took a few steps forward, coming to join her.

I could feel my lip quiver as I looked out the window. Staring right back at me was the Seoul City Police Station. I was this close.

"Things are business as usual." Rena said quietly, watching my expression.

I turned to look at her and I could feel my face fall. "What do you mean?"

She smiled sadly. "Are you really sure you want to know?"

I felt my eyebrows come together in confusion. "Rena, what's going on?"

Rena sighed and turned to look out at the people walking around below. "They stopped looking for you."

I felt myself take a sharp breath inward. "What?" My eyes followed hers out the window and I watched the people down below. They were walking around as if it was... business as usual.

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