Stay Safe

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The Captain picked up the phone from where I had left it on the desk. "This is Bang."

Jisung and Changbin were still rather rigid on either side of the Captain. They recognized that the Captain was in full serious mode and they had responded as seriously as they could. I stood still in the doorway. Min joined me a few seconds later.

The Captain's brow furrowed. "What?"

Changbin leaned in a bit closer but the Captain just shook his head. The Captain's eyes then went to Min standing next to me and I watched as they softened.

"I see." He looked back down at the desk. "Send over everything you have, and we'll take it."

Min nudged my arm and whispered, "What's going on?"

I shook my head. "Something important would be my guess."

"Yes, thank you Greyson, we'll get right on it." The Captain hung up the phone.

"Channie, what's going on." Min took a step away from me towards the Captain.

He shook his head. "Time for you to go."

"What? But, I just got here."

He nodded and walked over to her. "I know. But, we have work to do." He motioned to the room. "Which means that you need to leave."

She stamped her foot. "But, Channie."

He shook his head and took her arm. "C'mon, I'll walk you to your car."

She crossed her arms, but then did start walking towards the door.

The Captain stopped in the doorway. "I'll be back in 15 minutes. Nobody goes anywhere." He looked directly at me. "Understand?"

I nodded as Jisung and Changbin said, "Yes boss." Then they were out the door and walking down the hallway.

I walked back over to the computer and sat down in between Changbin and Jisung.

"Do you really think he can make it back up in 15 minutes?" Jisung said over my head to Changbin.

Changbin shrugged. "If he rushes her down it might take them ten minutes to get to the parking lot. Then if he sprints back up..." He shrugged again. "I think it's doable."

He leaned down towards me. "Depending on how important that call just now was."

I looked back and forth between both of them as their eyes stared me down. "What?"

Changbin crossed his arms. "Captain Greyson is from another precinct, but Chan wouldn't just leave a conversation like that," he inclined his head towards the offices. "Unless it was really important."

Jisung sat down next to me. "What did Greyson say?"

I shrugged. "Something about an F-P-Con? No idea what that is."

I watched as Jisung's eyes widened and his mouth opened slightly. His eyes immediately turned up towards Changbin

"What?" I turned to Changbin whose own eyes had also widened.

"What came after that, Y/N?"

"A name. Um, Charlie, he said. Why?" I startled and turned back to Jisung who had sprung out of his seat and watched as he raced back to the office.

Changbin placed his hand on my shoulder. "It's a threat scale that we have adopted from the military. It starts at Normal then there is Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, and Delta."

When I looked up at him, I noticed that his face had gone a shade paler. "Charlie is second from the top, meaning that the threat level is very high."

"Oh." The word barely came out of my mouth and I turned back to the computer screen. "What..." I stopped as Changbin patted my shoulder.

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