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A few days later, I had done just that. I had taken it slow and had steadily made progress. I could walk up and down the hallway without doubling over in pain. I had also gotten out of the dehydrated and malnourished states that I had arrived in. The bruises along my wrists and legs had faded to almost invisibility and I genuinely felt better than I had in a while.

When my doctor finally said that I had the option to leave or to stay another night, I jumped at the chance to get out of there. I was grateful for all of the help they had given me, but I was bored out of my mind.

They went ahead and called Lee Know and informed him that he could come and pick me up in the afternoon after I had filled out my discharge papers.

I was just stuffing things into a bag they had provided, when the door to my room opened.

"I am so ready to ge-." I turned to the door and frowned. "Jisung?"

He smiled sheepishly. "Hey, I'm here to pick you up."

"I thought Lee Know was coming to get me."

He nodded and came over to me. He stuck his hand out and I gave him the bag of stuff. "That was the original plan, but we decided you might be in a good mood today. Are you up for some questions?"

"Oh." My mind churned but then I nodded. Good thing I had been bored. "I can do that. But, under one condition."

45 minutes later Jisung and I were walking into the Precinct, through the front door. His hand squeezed on my arm as we walked past the rows of seats. Heads turned as we walked by and then turned away just as fast. Francis at the front desk looked up but then dropped his head back down to whatever it was he was doing.

"Are you sure about this?" His voice was so low I could barely hear it.

I just hummed in response.

Changbin was standing on the other side of the desk and he tilted his head in confusion when he saw us. "What-?"

Instead of turning to go up the stairs to the Cyber Office, Jisung and I turned down to the right, walking down the hallway that held the interrogation rooms.

Jisung opened one up and let go of my arm before motioning to the table. "Have a seat."

I nodded and walked over to the table. I sat down and stared straight ahead of me at the glass window.

"What's going on?" I heard Changbin's voice again in the hallway as Jisung closed the door. C'mon Jisung, you can do it, I thought to myself

When the door opened back up 10 minutes later I didn't turn to see who it was. Footsteps walked right up to me and a hand sat on the table. I watched as the arm bent slightly and a voice whispered into my ear.

"Why are you in here?"

I turned to face the voice and was looking directly at the Captain. He was only a few inches away from my face.

"Why shouldn't I be?" I countered, staring directly into his eyes.

He stared for a few seconds thinking before he moved back. He turned and walked out of the door. I turned my face back to the glass in front of me.

As I sat and waited, I had time to think. The last time I was here, they had all believed that I was guilty and I was. Now, I was the only one who thought that I was guilty, and I needed to convince them.

I wasn't sure how long I sat there. I had counted to 100 multiple times. I made a note of the little red dot on the camera in the corner. And, I had painstakingly searched every inch of my own face in the mirrored window's reflection. Was I really still the same person who had sat here nearly two years ago?

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