Same House, New Tricks

14 3 0

2 Part release because of the short length of the last chapter!


When I woke up, I was cold. My body felt stiff and I could barely lift my head. I looked around as best as I could, trying to make my eyes focus, but the room swirled. Light filtered in through windows in broken pieces and dust danced in the light it could find. The smell of mildew hit my nose and I gagged.

I tried taking a deep breath but it seemed to just get stronger. My breath was coming faster now. I shook my head and closed my eyes. Slowly I counted down from ten, but when I opened my eyes I was still there. Still stuck in that room. This was no nightmare, this was the real thing.

"No, no, no, no." I whispered to myself as I shook my head slightly.

Shadows passed along the wall and I could feel my heart rate accelerate. I dry heaved and coughed, trying to clear my throat.

"You know what's amazing."

I flinched at a woman's voice from behind me. I tried turning to see who it was but found that my arms and hands were numb. They were also bound behind me. My legs were tied to the legs of the chair. I was stuck.

"It's amazing that this room still has an effect on you, so many years later." Heels clicked on the concrete floor and soon Rena was crouching down in front of me. She smiled wide.

"And here I was hoping that you would pass right back out." She played with a strand of my hair and sighed. "Too late for me I guess."

She stood back up straight and held her arms out wide, showcasing the room. "So, Y/N, how does it feel to be back here?"

I shook my head. "Where?" My throat was dry and my head still felt dizzy.

"Aww, you don't remember?" She came to stand in front of me. "That's so sad."

She thought for a minute before smiling. "I know how to help you remember."

Her hand flew out across my face and my body snapped to the left. A gasp escaped my lips. My cheek stung and I could feel warmth sliding down towards my chin.

She grabbed a handful of my hair and pulled my head up to look at her. "Did that help?"

My scalp screamed in protest, and my eyes closed slowly as I breathed out one word. "Hell."

Rena let go of my hair and began clapping. "I'm so happy you remember now!"

She took a couple steps back. "Quite frankly, I was surprised when I saw it on the market, but I knew I just had to snatch it up. Did you know he sold it as is?"

I looked away, until my head was wrenched up to look at her again. "I really do hate when I sound like a monologuing bitch." Her voice was dead serious. "I would very much appreciate a response." Her eyes narrowed down at me.

"Yes." My voice was ragged and scratched.

She let go again and my head lolled down from its own weight. "How generous of him really. But for everything that was here, I paid him double the asking price. He couldn't say no, now could he?" Her hand squeezed my shoulder.

"No," I choked out.

She patted my head. "Good Girl."

"What," I swallowed bile, "Do you want?"

She crouched down in front of me again. "All in due time. For now, I just want to watch as you struggle. I want to see blood run down your limbs and hit the floor of this room just like I imagine it did all those years ago."

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