Off the Books

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I took it slow the next morning. I ate breakfast slowly, ignoring the eyes that took turns watching over me. Then I showered slowly, thankful for the hot water. Although, I had to be careful of my side the entire time, so maybe it wasn't me trying to be slow, but just that I was being slow.

When I was finished, I looked through the folder I had set on my bedside table the night before. I needed to make sure that what I had found the night before was actually Rena and not just a figment of my imagination. When I flipped the file open, there she was smiling right back up at me. I wasn't seeing things.

I shoved the file into a bag then went back out to the living room. I set the bag on one of the high top chairs and sat down next to it.

I watched Lee Know fumble around the kitchen for a bit. "Whatcha' looking for?"

He lifted his head and collided into the bottom of a cabinet. "Shit."

I stood up in the chair as he began rubbing the spot. "Are you ok?"

He turned around with his hand still in his hair. "You should have made a noise or something before my head was inside the cabinet."

I sat back down and shrugged. "Seemed like you were really engrossed in your search."

He rubbed his head a bit more before lowering his arm. "What's your low key day looking like? Movies? Baking? Facetiming Felix and Hyunjin?"

I shrugged and looked down at the counter. "I thought a walk might be nice."

Lee Know didn't say anything, so I looked slowly back up to him. His arms were crossed in front of his chest and his expression read, are you actually kidding me?

I smiled slightly. "You know... because it's so nice, out..." My words came out slow, and they seemed to lose momentum as they left my own mouth.

"You were abducted two weeks ago, held against your will, taken out of the country, brought back into the country, and left for dead while your captor got away." He blinked a couple times. "And you want to take a walk?"

I swallowed and slowly nodded my head.

He sighed and dropped his arms. "Did you have an ending place in mind for this walk?"

I chewed the inside of my cheek and slowly nodded again.

He brought a hand up and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Should I be telling Jisung that you are breaking your promise to stay home today."

"I'm not breaking my promise."

He gave me a serious look. "Jisung said you promised to stay home today."

I shrugged. "I promised to give the Ca- them a day. And," I leaned around him to look at the clock on the stove. "In three hours, that day will be up."

He rolled his eyes. "You are insane. You need time to heal. Things have been non stop since you got out of prison. Take a minute to just breathe."

I shook my head and slumped forward over the counter. "I just need all of this to be over with, then I can breathe."

Lee Know leaned towards me, leaning against the counter. "What makes you think this will be the end? She's gotten away once before, she can no doubt do it again. She has people all over the world working for her. The impossible is possible for her."

I frowned. "So much for the vote of confidence." Then, I shook my head again. "I won't let her get away again."

"I'm trying to be a bit realistic too." He placed a hand over mine. "You are only one person." His eyes looked sad.

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