A Word of Warning

13 2 0

6 Hours earlier

"No." Changbin said, shaking his head. "You can't go undercover, that goes against your parole."

He and Jisung were both sitting at their desks while I stood in front of them pitching the idea.

I held my hands out. "Just listen to me first then, ok."

"Rena is coming after me. You saw the texts, the flowers that came from the same florist she was at earlier in the day, and all of the evidence. You even traced the phone number. You know that I am her target."

I crossed my arms in front of myself. "Ok, so, maybe I don't go undercover, but you use me as bait."

"No way we would do that." Jisung leaned forward onto his desk. "Look, just wait until Chan comes back on Monday and we can figure out what to do then."

I shook my head. " I don't think we can wait that long. I think she's planning for something to happen soon."

Changbin leaned back in his chair. "Why do you say that?"

"I checked the alerts map for the last 24 hours and the random popups stopped last night at midnight. And, when we looked up the phone number just a few minutes ago, it had already been taken out of service. We can't afford to sit and wait like last time. We need to make the first move this time around."

Jisung and Changbin both looked at each other. Changbin sighed as Jisung turned back to me.

"What you're saying makes sense." He scratched the side of his head. "But, we still can't use you as bait. And we don't want to either."

"So then how do we proceed? She knows where I live. She has my phone number. And she has been completely silent all day. It's a wonder I even made it here without something happening."

Changbin groaned in defeat and frustration. "We will track your phone, make sure that you are going home and staying there. And we can post an officer outside of your building for the weekend."

"Is that really a good idea, Seo?" Jisung said.

Changbin turned to him. "What do you mean?"

"You've seen how she is with her phone. She sets it down and then forgets it even exists until it goes off and scares her half to death."

"Hey!" I crossed my arms. "I am right here."

Changbin nodded. "Good point."

He thought for a minute. "Fine. If we put a tracker on you, will that make you feel better? At least until we can talk to Chan on Monday?"

I shrugged. "I guess so."

"But," He paused and leaned forward back onto his desk. His eyes stared right into mine. "It will show you at home all weekend, right? There aren't any other crazy ideas tumbling around in that head of yours, right?"

I nodded.

No need to tell them that Rena had been following me that morning.

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