You are Formally Invited...

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For a moment, the entire world paused. Thoughts tumbled around in my head. How could he look the same as he had back then? I wondered if I still looked the same.

The more I stared the more I noticed the subtle changes. His hair was a bit longer and the ends were just starting to curl. It was now long enough to stray into his eyes and just covered the tops of his ears. His jaw was much more defined, and I could just make out a faint scar along it. His grip tightened on the doorknob and I wanted to mentally slap myself for noticing the flex of the muscle in his hand.

I swallowed, finally finding my voice. "Changbin said you were gone until tomorrow."

He stood as if also frozen until he finally nodded, slowly. "That was the original plan. But, I decided to come back a day early."

"Oh." OH! That's all I could say? I grasped for the next words to say. Anything, anything at all. Think, Y/N!

"Um, Changbin and Jisung are out on a call." There, that was coherent. And it was a whole sentence.

He held his phone up. "I saw the alert come through. That's why I decided to come up. I just needed to grab something, and I didn't want to get caught up." Damnit, that was much more coherent than what I had said.

I nodded then turned back around and sat down. "Don't let me stop you."

I watched the screen in front of me. The glass front had a small reflection and I watched as the Captain finally released the door handle. He started to close it, before hesitating and pulling it back open. Then he disappeared back into the other office area.

I let out the breath I had been holding, then I picked up my phone and swiped it open. I clicked on the group chat that I was in with Changbin and Jisung.

'He's back.' I typed. 'What do I do?'

As I waited for a reply on my phone, a popup appeared on the computer screen and I moved the mouse over to click on it. As I clicked on it, I realized that it was the same one from before. The one that was usually gone before you had any time to open it up. The screen opened and I caught a glimpse of one word before it disappeared again.

I shot up out of my seat, knocking the chair over in the process. The Captain was in the room before I even had time to register that he was there. He had stopped just inside and his eyes were roaming the room, finally falling on me.

I put a hand up, getting ready to tell him I was fine when my phone began vibrating in my hand. I looked down at it and saw Changbin's name. I lowered my hand and clicked accept. With my other I picked the chair back up.

"You know, context goes a long way in the world."


"You can't just text me, he's back without giving me context as to who it is you're talking about."

My eyes flashed up to the Captain. He had looked away from me, but the slight smirk on his face told me that he could hear what Changbin was saying.

"Changbin." I tried again.

"Who is he? Is he a random person? Is it someone you know? Is it even someone I know? Are they in the office? Are they across the world?"

"Chang..." The phone was taken out of my hand.

"Dammit Seo, will you stop talking for a second so she can talk?" He clicked on the speakerphone.

"Oh, hey boss." Changbin's voice now echoed throughout the room.

"Seo!" He snapped.

"Sorry, go ahead gorgeous."

The Captain let out a frustrated sigh and held the phone back out to me. I nodded in thanks, taking it.

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