Maze of Memories

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I took a step back to get a better look at the Captain. That's when I noticed the little red light on the camera was back on. The door swung open and a red faced Lee Know stormed in.

He walked right up to the Captain and pointed a finger at him. "She was literally kidnapped and tortured a week ago. I get to the hospital to pick her up only to find out that she was already gone. What the hell were you thinking?"

Lee Know put his finger down and took my hand. "The least you could do is let her have a night back in her own bed before you lock her up in this room and traumatize her all over again."

He began walking out the room, pulling me gently behind him. Jisung was standing just outside the door and he winked at me as we walked past. Jisung, you sneaky boy, I thought to myself.

"Should we go after them?" I heard Jisung's muffled voice ask, but I didn't hear a reply.

As we reached the end of the hallway, Lee Know spun around. "You all should be glad that I didn't get any lawyers involved, yet."

Then he spun back around and continued walking out of the building. People looked up when we walked into the Lobby and watched us as we left. Lee Know continued pulling me after him. Down the steps of the building's front and to the car. I winced every few steps as my side twisted.

He pulled me towards my car door. "Get in, we're leaving." He let go of my hand and continued around to the driver's side.

I pulled the door open and got in, pulling my seat belt across me. I flinched as Lee Know slammed the car door shut. A few seconds later we were driving away from the precinct.

We drove in silence for a bit until I noticed Lee Know relax back into his seat with a sigh. "Just so you know, I am aware that something is going on that you can't tell me about."

I turned to look at him. "Wha-"

He shook his head to stop me. "I just want you to know that it's ok if you can't tell me."

I watched him as he drove a bit longer. "You're really ok with not knowing what is going on?"

He nodded as we pulled into the parking structure of the apartment complex. "I trust you." He parked and turned the key to shut off the car before turning to me in his seat. "And I trust Jisung."


He nodded again and smiled a bit. "Sure. I was actually talking to him when the hospital called. He convinced me that it would be a good idea for you to come in and just chat about anything that you needed to. Then he called me back asking if I could come and get you from the precinct, but to be super extra and to raise hell while getting you out of there. I didn't realize that you were in an interrogation room until I was pulling up to the building."

"I asked to be in the interrogation room." I said quietly.

Lee Know nodded. "Jisung did say that."

We were quiet for a few seconds before I looked back up to him. "How do you do that?"

He undid his seat belt and let it retract. "Do what? Be super extra?" He chuckled.

I looked down at my hands and shook my head slightly. "Trust so easily?"

I turned back up to him as he shrugged. "I don't know if I trust that easily. It's something that has to be built up over time."

"But, I didn't think you knew him that well. At least, you never said anything if you did."

He blushed slightly and scratched the back of his neck. "Um, well, actually there is something I have been meaning to tell you." He paused for a few seconds. "Jisung was actually the one who signed my custodian papers and volunteered to be my parole officer."

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