Home Sweet Home

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After my session, the rest of the day just seemed to drag on slowly. When the buzzer to indicate dinner time finally sounded, my stomach flipped. I suddenly just felt nauseous. I picked at my food and only ate a few bites. My nerves seemed to bubble up to the surface more intensely than they had all day.

After dinner, we went back to our cells until lights out. All I could do as I waited, was pace back and forth. I gripped onto the book from Mavis before sitting on the edge of the bed. I flipped through a couple of the pages.

'When Nervous (Because we know it happens)'

I scoffed and felt my shoulders relax just a bit. She really did know me too well. I read through the section. There were several tips on breath control, as well as some techniques to center and ground myself. At the bottom was a little note: 'If all else fails, remember your safe place.'

As, yes, my safe place. When I had first started counseling with Mavis I was having at least 1 panic attack every couple of days. Dredging through trauma was hard for me to work through, so as an anchor she had given me homework: Find your safe place.

I never told her what it was, and she never asked. But, when it was harder to refocus, I would go to my safe place and I would calm down almost instantly. She could tell the power that it held over me, so I was thankful that she never asked to also invade that space.

In the last 6 months, I hadn't had a single panic attack, and therefore hadn't needed to use it. But, it was nice to know that it was always in my back pocket if I needed it.

The lights went out and I set the book down beside me on the bed. Then I laid down and stared up at the ceiling. I tried focusing on my breathing and closed my eyes.

In and Out

In and Out


Badum Badum

Badum Badum Badum

My eyes flew open as the lights came on, and I sat up blinking. Usually, I was wide awake before the lights came on, but for some reason this morning I had continued sleeping. And, for the first time in a while, I felt groggy.

My eyes adjusted to the light as the door slid open. I slid out from under the blanket and sleepily walked my way down to breakfast. I filled my tray up, feeling the hunger I had pushed away the night before. As I sat at a table I sleepily shoveled food into my mouth.

I stopped midway with a spoon to my mouth, when it hit me. I was leaving today. I set the spoon down and looked around me. Suddenly, all the nerves from the day before came barreling back at me. I sat staring at the rest of my food before eventually dumping it all out.

After breakfast, I wandered up to my room and began pulling pictures off the wall. Then I gathered up everything else that I had. A bit later a guard brought me a bag to use to carry everything and escorted me down to the processing section of the building.

I waved my wristband under the scanner and it turned green. The door slid open and the guard pointed down the corridor. "Front office is down that way."

I nodded and continued on by myself until I reached the office, where a woman sat behind a window.


"Um, Y/N Y/L/N."

She nodded and held out a scanner. "Wristband."

I held out my arm for her and she scanned it, reading off a few things from her screen. I verified and began to take my hand back.

"Do you want me to take the wristband off?"

"Really?" I choked out. This had been my identification for 18 months. It was how I got everywhere in the building. It opened the library and the health services wing for my sessions. It was also how they kept tabs on everyone.

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