The Party Part 2

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The Captain slipped off his shoes and stepped into the main hallway of the apartment. He noticed Jisung and Lee Know in the kitchen and stopped in the entryway to talk to them.

I turned back to the boys. Jeongin was looking the other way so I couldn't read his face but Seungmin was staring right at me. "What's up?"

He shook his head. "Can I talk to you, in your room?"

"Yeah sure." I nodded.

I followed behind him and glanced into the kitchen as we passed. He shut the door behind us. I walked a bit further into the room, turned around, and watched as he began pacing back and forth in front of the door.

"Care to share?" I felt my eyebrows raise slightly.

He stopped for a second. "Um, not yet?"

I crossed my arms. "Seungmin, what is it?"

He just stared for a second before snapping his fingers together. "Ah. I got it. Jeongin said that he would really appreciate the help with his paper tomorrow."

I waited a few seconds to see if he was going to continue. When he didn't I prompted him. "Ok. That's great. You couldn't tell me this when we were out in the living room?" I pointed back to the living room.

"Oh, well..." He leaned back against the door. "I wanted to ask you if I could practice my presentation with you."

I squinted my eyes slightly. "Um. Yeah, that's fine. But, again, you could have asked me this out there."

"No, see, I am trying to come off as having it all together and asking for help means that I'm having problems." He smiled.

I walked up to him and he stiffened against the door. "Seungmin what's going on?"

He shook his head. "No idea what you mean. That's all I wanted to ask." I could hear murmuring out in the other room.

"So, we can go back out to the living room now?"

He scratched the side of his head. "Um, well, not yet." The murmuring grew a bit louder.


"I promise you can go back out there in a minute. I just really want Jeongin to lay into him for another minute or so."


The murmuring had turned into bursts of noise. I couldn't make out who's voices they were, but it definitely sounded like muffled shouting.

"Seungmin, get out of the way of the door." I tried to shift him away from the door. But, I couldn't move him. Why did he have to grow taller and stronger than me so soon?

"Sorry, Noona."

"Seungmin, you can't just lock me in my own room. Move! What is going on?" I shoved all my weight against him, but he held firm. "Why did you have to grow up? You were so easy to move when you were little."

He chuckled and leaned his ear against the door. "About 10 more seconds."

"Are you kidding me? Who is yelling?"

He stared down at me and I glared right back. I could see him counting down from ten on his fingers and as he reached one, he held the door open for me.

When we came out of my room everyone else in the living room was looking out at the balcony. There, standing across from each other was Jeongin and the Captain. Jeongin's muffled shouts were barely making it through the glass and the Captain was barely moving.

"Why are you all just watching?" No one looked in my direction and I huffed. "Fine!"

I began walking forward but felt a tug on the back of my shirt. I looked back to see Changbin holding onto me. "He said not to interrupt him."

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