Getting Situated

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After an hour-long shower, the hot water had indeed run out. My skin had turned bright red and I was so happy, I could hardly stop myself from smiling.

Two full meals and a half day of unboxing later, I was ready to fall into bed. I changed into my PJs and poked my head out of my room into the living room.

"I am officially going to bed."

"Wait, Noona!" Jeongin jumped up and ran to his room. He came back out with a pillow. "I'll come with you."

"Oh, good idea." Seungmin said getting up.

"You two." Lee Know looked up from a book. He pointed to the couch. "Sit." Seungmin dropped back to the couch and Jeongin plopped next to him.

"Let her have the bed to herself for tonight. Then if she feels up to it, you can have a slumber party tomorrow night."

"Ugggggghhhh, Hyung you're no fun." Jeongin mumbled into his pillow.

"Sorry boys," I chimed in. "I actually am siding with Lee Know. I'm going to be tossing and turning no doubt, getting adjusted and such. I don't want to keep you both up all night."

They both made faces and Seungmin stuck his tongue out at me. The urge to make a comment hit the back of my brain, but I didn't know why. I shook my head and laughed. "Good night."

As I closed the door I heard a chorus of good nights sound back. I climbed into bed. It was so much softer than the one I had been sleeping on for the past few months. I squished the pillow down and moved the blankets around a bit.

Then I shut my eyes. I started taking deep slow breaths to slow my heart rate down, and within minutes I was fast asleep.

When I woke up, the sun had just started rising. I tried to close my eyes again but I was already wide awake. I sat up and stared out the window for a bit. The rest of the apartment seemed quiet still.

I slid out of the bed and cracked the door open; the lights were still off. I made my way into the living room and started when I noticed the boys had slept on the couch. Jeongin was holding on tight to his pillow, and Seungmin had curled up into a ball.

I chuckled and shook my head, continuing out to the small balcony area. It was breezy, but it felt wonderful. The city was just starting to wake up below and traffic sounds were starting to make their way up from the street below. I took in a deep breath and leaned onto the edge.

The door softly clicked open and I turned to see Lee Know. I smiled and he held out a mug to me. I took it and he shut the door.

"Thought you might want some coffee." He took a sip of his own and looked out as well.

"Thank you." I let the heat seep into my hands. "It was on my list of things to do."

He chuckled. "So how does it feel, being almost 24 hours out."

I took a sip and shrugged. "It's a bit weird. I keep holding my wrist out to scan an ID that isn't there anymore. Or, I keep waiting for someone to tell me that I have to report back to my room."

He chuckled. "I mean, if you really want, I'm sure we could accommodate you with that."

I laughed. "No, that's ok." I took another sip.

"I just mean that it's a lot to come back too. I'm glad to be able to take it slow for a few days before I go to the Cyber Division."

"Even when you go to the Cyber Division, you can still take it easy. It's ok to take a break. I'm sure they would understand."

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