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    Gwen sat down at a coffee table, waiting for her coffee to cool down. She could hear the droplets of rain as they rolled down the window beside her, along with the sounds of quiet conversations and cashiers.
    Gwen thought of her welcome day to Senior year at some random school tommorow, and how much she missed her old town in Greece. She had been born in Italy, but it hadnt been long before her mother decided to move to Australia. Then Canada. Then they tried London. Then came Greece. Now, America. Seriously, The United States? Of all things. And Florida, too! Out of all places.
     Gwen sighed and sipped her coffee, hoping it had cooled down by now. Nope. She burnt her tongue.. damn. Whatever. She drank it anyway, leaving to go home. It was late, around 10 PM. And she did have that stupid Welcoming Ceromony... She grabbed her phone and looked at the school's name. While doing so, she saw a severe weather alert. Of course she did, it was FLORIDA.
    Gwen opened Safari and looked at her saved tabs. Right, it was called Wawankwa Highschool. Kind of lamd and unoriginal, but whatever. She scrolled to the reviews.

"Keeps my kid from those dramatic schools. Very clean and organized."

"Too much homework🤮🤮🤮🤮🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤧🤧🤧🤢🤢🤮 nasty annoying teachers"

"I like this school."

    Well, it was clear only one of these reviews was actually an adult. The others.. nevermind those.

    Gwen walked through the calm streets as rain pattered and lightning echoed through the distance. She threw out her empty cup into a black trashcan as a few pigeons landed on the ground, scavanging for food. Gwen watched them, hoping she could make friends with atleast one kid.. any kid! Okay, not any. She thought to herself, remembering the reviews. She clicked her phone back on to search through the clubs. Literature, band, reading, chorus, GSA, CAP, debate, Soul sellers. Well, that sounded terrible. Besides, she wasnt emo. She was goth. Huge difference!
Event planers, robotics, art, venting, Movie club. What on Earth where these clubs? What the hell is GSA? She wanted to look it up, but she told herself she might be better off not knowing.
     Gwen finally reached her apartment as she stepped in, completely soaked from the rain. She walked through the apartment to her room, and found her small black cat with green eyes waiting for a litter change as she groaned.

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