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*two months time jump*

Gwen was hand in hand with Courtney. Heather had eventually moved on, leaving the two alone. Halloween was coming up, and so was the first trip of their Florida tour. (A chain of fieldtrips in which you visit famous spots of the area/state). This trip was taking place for Student Council, and Courtney had somehow managed to convince the princaple to let each of the council members invite an approved guest. Courtney was talking about how she had convinced Princaple Mclean to do it, but Gwen wasnt listening. She was thinking about how she had yelled at Courtney on her first day because Courtney had worried about the scars. Why was she thinking about it now? Because shed been doing it again, afraid of when Courtney realized. She had only been doing it because of Heather. Courtney, of courde, didnt know. "And he said 'Fine!' And thats all... Gwen?" Courtney asked, stopping in her trails. Gwen didnt respond. "Gwen?" Courtney repeated as Gwens head shot up. "Hm?" Asked Gwen, her hand a little sweaty. Courtney realized and frowned. "Is everything okay?"

"Yes." Gwen lied.

Courtney simply held onto Gwens hand for the rest of the walk. "Dont be nervous," Courtney told Gwen when they reached the door to the Art Club. Someone had left which cleared a spot for Gwen. "I have to go to Event Plans, so if you need anything, text or call me." Courtney smiled comfortingly. "If anyone is rude tell them to fuck off." Courtney added. Gwen smiled weakly and nodded, grepoing Courtneys hand. "I love you." Said Courtney. "I love you, too." Said Gwen. Courtney nodded and opened the Art door, as the two walked in several heads turned. "Miss, this is Gwen. Her spot just opened." Courtney informed the teacher. The teacher checked her list and nodded. "Were doing complex origami, sit down." She said to Gwen. Gwen nodded. Courtney waved bye to Gwen, letting go of her hand gently. "Bye!" She waved, and Gwen waved back as she watched Courtney walk out the door and rush to Event Plans. Gwen sat on a random stool where two identically dressed girls sat and a boy with a guitar case next to him. "Heyy!" Said one girl. "Heyy!" Said the other girl. Gwen waved. "Weve seen you on Sierra's blog." Said the two girls at the same time. Gwen sighed. "Of course you have." She couldnt imagine anyone who hadnt. "We have a few questions." Said the lighter of the two girls. "Yes." Said the other. "So- Does Courtney still take Event Suggestions?" Asked one. Gwen nodded. "You can write it down and I'll give it to her, if you want. Suddenly the two girls grinned at eachother and began to riip up their bright pink origami papers to scribble down ideas. Several other students overheard and now peopke were piling event suggestions in front of Gwen. Well, shit. "Guys- thats enough." Gwen frowned. They didnt hear her, piling more and more papers onto the table. Gwen got frustrated. "I SAID THATS ENOUGH!" She stood up and yelled. Everyone turned to look at her. She grabbed her stuff and left the art room angrily. Did people view her as as a mailman or something? 
She felt tears going down her face as she went to the girls bathroom and took out her pocket knife. She did it by her wrist several times. She shouldnt have said anything about Courtney accepting Event Requests. This was her punishment. She heard a voice down the hall. "Ill go look for her.. Im sorry about that. Shes not crazy. Dont say that." She heard footsteps heading to the bathroom. Gwen began to panic as she tried to hide the pocket knife and accidently made the scar bigger. Tears of pain formec in her eyes as she flung it into the sink and tried to turn on the sink and wash away the blood.. but it was too late. The voice had found her. And it was worse that it was Courtney. "Gwen, are you okay? They told me about what happ- Oh my gosh." She saw the blood on Gwens wrist, and all the scars. Gwen couldnt help it. She began to feel tears down her cheek as she began to cry. "Gwen, its okay.. its okay." Courtney put her arms around Gwen. "Itll be okay.." she comforted. Gwen mumbled something inaudible. "Gwen.. why did you do it?" Courtney asked calmingly, stroking Gwens hair. "They were all using me like I was some sort of mailman. I told them yqou were accepting event requests and they all piled me in ideas. "Courtney?" Called a voice. "We need you back in the meeting." It said. Courtney called back, "I'll be there soon!" And held Gwen close to her. "Gwen, if you ever need to talk to me, Im here. P,ease, dont do this again." Courtney said, tears forming now in her own eyes. "I wont." Said Gwen. Courtney looked at Gwens wrist and grabbed a paper towel. "I know you dont want me to bring you to the clinic. Though I advise it, I wont force you." She said. Gwen looked at the towel. "That will do." Gwen mumbled. Courtney nodded and cleaned the wound, then wrappjng it in the towel and giving Gwen her hoodie to cover it up. Good thing it was a dark blue hoodie. Only issue is that the words on it read Courtney Barlow. Gwen didnt even care much. Courtney put her arms arounds Gwens shoulders, bringing Gwen into a kiss. "I love you," she whispered. Gwen smiled. "I love you more." The two seperated and Courtney carried Gwens stuff back to art. "You sure yu want to go back?" She asked. Gwen nodded. "Im sure." She answered. Courtney nodded. When she knocked on the door, Both of the matching girls opened it in shock. Courtney waved Gwen bye from the doorframe, Gwen waved back. She once again watched Courtney disappear as Gwen sat bacj at her stool. Everyone was staring at her. "What?" Asked Gwen, confused.

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