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warnings: S A T A N I C  R E F , L A N G U A G E , H O M O  REF

Gwen was suspended for two days. The princaple told her that if it hadn't been for the signed anger issues on her health sheets, shed have been expelled. Same for Heather, except she was suspended for five days
     But now Gwen was driving to the odd festival Courtney invited her to. It was really dark. When she got there it was 8:27, so she rushed down to the ticket booth, wasted 20 whole dollars, and ran to the Farris Wheel. Gosh, like, almost all these people I know from school. Gwen walked to the ferris wheel, were stood Courtney, a girl with blond hair and green eyes, a boy with blond hair and a pink jacket, no shirt, ew, and thats it. Gwen took a deep breath before showing herself.
     Gwen stepped up to the three teenagers. "Hi, guys," she said. The boy with blond hairs eyes widened. "Stay away from Bridgette!" He said before throwing Bridgette, the blond girl with blue eyes behind him. "Hi, Gwen!" Courtney said, pulling Gwen into a hug. "This is Gwen, guys." Courtney introduced. "Gwen, thats Geoff, Bridgette, and me!" She smiled welcomingly. Bridgette did to. "No, nope. She had the massive drama fight with Heather, didn't she? She probably wants to fight us, too." Geoff interruped, sending his two blue eyes to stare annoyingly at Gwens. "I promise Gwen wont do that! Shes nice! You know how Heather is, she eggs people on." Courtney said. "Plus Gwen is my friend."
       Gwen looked at Courtney and smiled. "Thanks." She said. Geoff was skeptical. "Ill think about it. We can split up into twos and meet back here at 9:30, okay?" Asked Geoff. Courtney nodded. She waved bye to Bridgette and began walking with Gwen. Lets try the escape room," Courtney said, grabbing Gwen's hand and leading her to the escape room. On the way they sawone of Heather's friends. Oh gosh. (I need to make a new character because Heather dosent have any friends 🤷‍♀️) She had long dirty blonde hair with streaks of black in it, and brown eyes. "Awh, holding hands, too?" She laughed. Gwen tensed, but Courtney felt her do so and walked faster, now in line for the escape house. "Courtney, remember me? I thought we were friends.. but I guess you ditched all of us for her." The girl said, egging on Courtney. "You guys are toxic to be around. I made a good choice." Courtney said, causing the girl to frown. "Toxic? This Gwen girl looks like she worships demons." The girl grinned, laughing. Courtney let go of Gwens hand. "There, are you happy now? Leave us alone." Courtney said as the girl cackled as she walked away. Courtney and Gwen stayed in silence. "Are you okay?" Courtney asked Gwen, who didnt answer. "Gwen? Are you alright?" But Gwen didnt answer. Gwen's wrists were burning up. The scars, they hurt.. so bad. Suddenly Courtney understood. She grabbed the wrist and massaged it, walking Gwen over to a food stand. "Ice, please." Courtney asked the person at the stand as they handed her the ice and Courtney put the ice to Gwen's wrists. They felt better now. "Thank you, Courtney." Gwen said. Gwen noticed Courtney was tearing up. "Courtney?" Asked Gwen. Courtney looked at Gwen. "Im sorry, I just got scared. It looked like it really, really hurt."
     Gwen blushed a little. "Im okay. Ive gotten the burn ups for a while." She said. Silence. Silence before Gwen checked the time. "Its time to meet up with Geoff at the Wheel." Gwen noted as Courtney nodded, the tears still on her face. They walked once again in silence to the farris Wheel. Geoff and Bridgette ran up to them. "Okay, so me and- Courtney?" Said Bridgette, putting a hand on Courtneys back. Gwen felt guilt rising up in her. "Is this your fault?" Geoff asked Gwen, who shook her head. "No- is this yojr fault? You better be honest." Geoff repeated. Gwen shook her head. "Its not. What more do you want?"
       Bridgette patted Dourtneys back. "Whats wrong?" Asked Bridgette. "Nothing, just something that happened." Courtney said. "That scared me. Nothing else. Its not Gwens fault." She sighed, wiping off tears. Geoff  frowned. "You should go home and rest." He said. Bridgette nodded. "Okay- bye, guys." Courtney said, walking off. Gwen chased after her. "Want me to come? Oh shit that sounded weird." Gwen frowned. Courtney laughed a little. "I think I just need some time alone. Gwen nodded. "Heres my number by the way, so we can meet up at other events." Courtney said, handing her a small sheet. Gwen took it and slipped it in her pocket. Courtney took Gwens hands in her own for a few seconds as they stared into eachothers eyes again. Gwen didnt know what the fuck got into her when she leaned forward and kissed Courtney.

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