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warning: L G B T Q , T I M E   J U M P , R E L I G O U S   C E L E B R A T I O N , H O M O P H O B I A

    The fireplace cackled as Gwen ate her food, two adults staring her down. The two adults murmered to eachother quietlt, and Gwen assumed critically aswell. "Uhm. Thank you for the food, Mister and Misses Barlow, but I need to get home before my family does and get ready for our Thanksgiving Dinner. Thanks alot for the dinner, though." Gwen got up, ready to leave. She waved goodbye to Courtney, they hadnt talked much because they both knew how much Courtney's parents hated Gwen. She had first met them when Courtney visited her at the hospital after the incident at the World Equestrian Center. Gwen left, turning on her car and driving home. This would be her first time speaking to her parents since shed joined school, since they were always away on trips. She reached her house several moments later, unlocking the door. She began making mashed potatoes and turkey first, the heat creating sweat on her forehead as she pired wine into seven glasses, placing the bottle at the center of the table. She placed the two turkeys beside its, then the potato, circled by corn, stuffing, and of course pumpkin pie. She decorated each turkey with cranberries, too. Gwen was normally horrible at cooking, but these Youtube tutorials were actually really helpful.
   When she was finished she sat down and finished her drawing, featuring her and Courtney, somewhere that wasnt exactly Florida. It was Italy, a place Gwen missed a lot. She was sure Courtney would love it there, too. And Emma and Kitty were there, too, Kitty taking pictires and Emma telling her she was wasting her memory space. If only things were that easy. She didnt know how exactly she would tell her mother about Courtney, especially the fact that Courtney was comieng over for dinner, too. Since her parents had already planned Thanksgiving dinner with two very rich neighbors of theirs. Gwen sighed at the thought of her mothers dissapointed glare. She scowled, closing her sketch book as she went upstairs to get ready. It took around an hour until people actually came. Gwen opened the door to her Aunt Lucy, who instantly commented on her hair cut. Cousin Ella was singing some random song when she trotted in, quickly behind Aunt Lucy. Then came her brother, Matteo. "Heyy! Gwen!" He smiled, waving at her. Gwen smiled back, waving. Suddenly her mother walked through the door, followed by her father. "Hello." Said her mother. "I see your still in that gothic phase.. hm?" She walked over to the table, her arm looped around her husband. Gwen sighed, she watched as her uncle stepped in, a critical expression on his face. Gwen finally stepped away from the door. So many of these family members. She would rather be trapped with Sierra for an hour. Wait no, She didnt mean that. Gwen almost reached her spot at the table when another knock sounded at the door. Gwem groaned, on her way to open the door. When she opened it, she saw Courtney. "Oh!" Gwen smiled. "Hey." She added as Courtney returned the smile. She was wearing a brown dress, her hair in a bun with a brown accessory holding it together. "Elegant much?" Gwen grinned, and Courtney nodded. They walked to the dining room, were several family members looked up to see the new guest. "Hello." Said Gwens mother, getting up to greet Courtney. "Are you Gwens friend?" Courtney was smart. She knew how Gwen felt about her mother. "Yes, miss Ingrid. Im Courtney, Courtney Barlow. Pleasure to meet you." She smiled. Gwens mother smiled, shaking her hand. When Courtney went to sit down, Gwens mother passed her a face. "So straight forward. If only you were straight forward." She noted, sending Gwen a message. Gwen sighed. Courtney was  organized, but not straight forward.
Gwen knew she couldnt hide Courtney forver, though. "Mom." Gwen pipped up as her mother turned around. "I need to tell you something important." She looked her mother in the eye.
   Cynthia Ingrid could not believe what she just heard. Her lovely daughter. Had a GIRLFRIEND? And it was that Courtney girl? Ms. Ingrid was strongly dissapointed. "I cant believe you, Gwendolyn." She sighed, dissapointment displayed clearly on her face. Gwen frowned. "Mom, I cant help who I love." Gwen argued. Ms. Ingrid shook her head. "You need a male who is going to treat you right." Gwens mom replied, not listening to Gwen any further. She npticed Gwens tears. "This conversation never happened. We will go back to the feast like the lovely family we are, okay? If you do that, be my perfect daughter, maybe I will allow that... rainbow stuff."

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