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"Oh my god." Courtney gasped, her eyes wide and tears forming. "Who? Who? No, answer me? Who??" But the phone hung up. "No." Gwen said, already knowing what this call had been. Courtney frowned. "I need to know who did it. Gwen, I need to know! I hate them! I HATE THEM! SHES GONE AND ITS THEIR FAULT!" Courtney cried, sinking onto her knees. "Its their fault." She repeated. Gwen thought she had understood before, but she was sure she did know. At first she thought the call was ro deliver the fact Courtney's mother had passed away, which was partially correct when she realized why. Someone pulled the plug. "Can you ask them if they saw the cameras? And who it was?" Gwen asked, sitting down next to Courtney and watching her pick up the phone and dial the hospital. "This is Courtney Barlow. Yes. I know. Who did it? What do you mean you dont know? No. Find them. Mhm." Courtney clicked hang up as more tears filled her eyes. "Oh, Courtney. They'll find them, I'm sure of it." Gwen comforted, Courtney sobbing into her shoulder. Gwen simply held back her own tears. It hurt, so, so, bad to see Courtney this hurt.
     Sierra walked through the halls, on her phone. She was watching the video of Geoff and Gwen arguing. She had seen this video several times. The slur. Sierra wasn't Hispanic, but hearing other people be called slurs felt so wrong. Sierra had been called slurs everyday in Middle School. She watched as hispanic kids in the hallways lingered under Geoff's gaze, afraid he had ever said something like that about them. Sierra simply sighed. She hated this society so much! Cody was the only one she cared for here, and if she was honest, she wasnt sure it was even romantic anymore. She just didnt feel like herself ever since she had seen the video. She saw Courtney rush past the halls, nervously carrying a stack of papers to the library. Sierra watched as Courtney's face lt up when she saw Gwen, like everytime Sierra turned her brightness up at three in the morning. Sierra wanted that feeling, yes, but she was also done forcing it.
     Courtney carried a large stack of papers in her arms, rushing past the halls to avoid questions or nosy people. She just wanted to see Gwen. That was the only person she could tolerate right now. Courtney caught Sierra looking at her and began to walk faster, heading to the library. She saw Gwen and she coukdnt help but lighten her mood. "Gwen!" She called, and Gwen spun around. "Hey, Court! Whats that?" She asked. "Just SCP paper work.. I'll catch you later, okay Gwen? Love you!" She waved as she hurried off to the library. She sat down when she got there. She eventually realized someone sat infrint of her. She looked up to see Geoff. "What do you want?" She asked, refusing to look his way. "Look, I saw who pulled the plug. I'll tell you, but you have to promise you'll ditch Gwen and be friends with Bridgette again. Shes been miserable without any friends." He whispered. Courtney finally looked up at him. "Are you kidding? No. I wouldn't ditch Gwen for anything or anyone. And I dont trust you. Your a racist dick, so get out of my face." She returned. She couldn't believe Geoff had the audacity to even ask her that. "Fuck you." Geoff scowled. Courtney furrowed her eyebrows. "Lots of people dream about it." She retorted. Geoff rolled his eyes. "Self absorbed bitches like you only wish." Geoff murmered. Suddenly someone came up to them. "Courtney. Gwen is looking for you. She's in the courtyard." Said the girl, which had blonde hair and greenish blue eyes. "Thanks." Courtney said, getting up and leaving to go to the courtyard. It was a free period, and everyone was pretty much doing whatever. Gwen was waiting for Courtney by a tree, running up to Courtney once she spotted her. "Courtney, Kitty and Emma were asking if we could all have a study night soon. Actually just Emma and an annoyed Kitty.. but technically still both of them." Gwen said. Courtney shrugged. "Sure, I guess." She said. Gwen frowned. "What's wrong?" She asked. "Well my mom is dead and someone is responsible for that and I dont even know who it is. Pretty good reason to be upset jf you ask me." Courtney frowned. Gwen looked down at her feet. "Sorry." She said. Courtney shook her head. "It's alright."
Nearby the culprit listened, guilt flooding their veins.

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