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warnings: L G B T Q + , V I O L E N C E , L A N G U A G E , M A N I P U L A T I O N

     It has been four days since Bridgette was cuffed. Geoff would mope everytime Sierra asked him a question on the groupchat, and Gwen was making use of this time off school. She had talked to Zoey alot, but Courtney seemed to need some time alone after her best friend was revealed to be the person to unplug her mother's plug. Gwen was texting Zoey right now.

Gwen: I hope she's okay.. we haven't talked since and I really miss her.

Zoey: Just text her, I'm sure she's been thinking the same.

Gwen: Okay..

Gwen sighed nervously as she opened messanger and texted Courtney with a Hey, Court, we havemt talked in a while.. are you alright? Message. She waited a bit when she realized the message flicked from delivered To read and that Courtney was currently typing. Im fine. Thats the text Gwen got. Gwen sighed as she closed her messages tab and went back to Instagram DMS.

Gwen: She eays shes fine. I think shes mad at me.

Zoey: Oh.. wanna go to a coffee shop to talk about it?

Gwen: Sure.

Gwen got ready, putting on a black long sleeved shirt and a midnight blue shirt on top of it along with black ripped jeans, starting her car and heading to the coffee shop. She arrived a few moments later, as it was across the street. She saw Zoey wave her over and smile. "Hi!" Zoey greeted as Gwen forced a smile. "Hey." She said. Zoey got more serious. "Why do you think shes mad at you?" Zoey asked as Gwen shrugged. "She can be complicated sometimes. I love her, yes, but.. she is suoer easy to start an arguement with. It's probably the only downside to her." Gwen admitted. "Maybe shes upset I hadnt called or texted her, sooner... I feel bad.. but maybe it is time she realizes that I cant be the one to always do something first.." Gwen noted. She felt guilty saying stuff about Courtney.. but she wasn't lying. Zoey nodded. "I get it. Mike has his flaws. Hes not perfect, nobody is. I guess thats just the way it is." Zoey smiled as a golden blonde girl with a tag that read Dakota handed her a coffee. "Here." Dakota said, as Zoey handed her two dollare and Dakota smiled. "Awhh. Thank you." Dakota trotted off as she placed a dollar and seventy-five in the cashier and pocketed twenty-five cents. Gwen sighed. "I really, really love Courtney. But sometimes I dont get if she, you know, loves me as much as I love her." Gwen frowned. Zoey nodded, flinching after burning her tongue on her coffee. "Sorry, I burnt my tongue." Zoey said, getting up to find water. Gwen sighed as she was alone at the table and heard someone walk up to her. "Gwen." Courtney's voice appeared, trembling. Gwen looked up, guilt flushing over her. "I... will try to be less sensetive. And I'll say I love you more." Courtney said. Gwen got up as Courtney put her hand on Gwen's face. "Because you know I really, really, really love you, right? Please, dont leave me." Courtney begged. Gwen frowned. "I wouldn't do that." The two pressed their heads together as Dakota walked up to them. "So are you guys going to order or can I go on break?"
     Geoff was sitting at home, happily writing an essay for school. He smiled cheerfully. He was at home where he was not supposed to be. He was supposed to be where Bridgette was, but he was not. He grinned at the thought.

□ flashback □

"What is it, Geoff?" Bridgette asked, stroking his hair. Geoff frowned. "I need you to know something." He admitted as Bridgette frowned. "Anything." She said as he forced some tears. "I did it. I pulled Mrs. Barlow's plug, and now she's dead." Geoff sobbed as Bridgette gasped. "Oh, Geoff! You could be arrested-!" She frowned. Geoff sighed. "I know.. unless.. what if you take the blame?" He suggested. Bridgette's face dropped. "Then I could be safe from jail. And happy." He blinked, looking into Bridgette's eyes.
"I'll.. think.. about it." Bridgette whispered.

Geoff's smile grew.
Wasn't he just so smart?

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