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warnings: A N G S T , L G B T Q , L A N G U A G E

    Gwen sipped her coffee, burning her tongue again. Zoey sat across from her. "So, what is it? Do you need to vent again?" Zoey asked, stirring her tea. Gwe shrugged. "I guess so. You know Courtney hates coffee?" Gwen randomly said, looking at the dessert menu. "Uh... Gwen, maybe you should talk to her?" Zoey suggested, taking a first sip from her tea. Gwen shrugged again. "I feel like I should, but I dont know how. She hasn't texted or anything." Gwen frowned. "Maybe she really dosen't like me anymore? No, because the whole thing was because she was jealous, right?" Gwen was such a mess. Zoey copied Gwen's frown. "Well, then, instead of not doing anything you should call her. Like, right now. Or buy her a christmas gift. Christmas is only in four days." Zoey had lots of ideas. It had been a while since the whole incident. Gwen grabbed her phone. Her fingers trembled as they hovered above call on Courtney's contact. "Can I do ot from your phone? She might not answer if I do it." Gwen nervously grabbed Zoey's phone after kt was handed to her and dialed Courtney's number. A ringing followed. Then a laggy voice. "Hello?" Said the familiar voice through the speaker. Gwen swallowed. "Hey, Courtney... I wanted to talk to you..." She sounded nervous and anxious as the speaker went quiet for a moment. "Gwen?" It glitched. "Mhm." Gwen confirmed. "Oh. Well... we can talk, if you want." Courtney's voice awkwardly answered. "Killer Bass Coffee?" Gwen suggested as the speaker sounded with a "Sure." Before hanging up. Zoey nodded. "Wait- she's coming.. now? Oh bird droppings! I need to go. Bye, Gwen. And Good luck!" Zoey raced out of the store. Gwen waited ten minutes before the bell attached to the door frame jingled and Courtney walked in wearing an olive green sweater and beige sweat pants. Courtney spotted Gwen and awkwardly sat infront of her. "Hi." She greeted. "Hi." Gwen replied. "So, what do you want to talk about?" Courtney asked as Gwen nervously sipped her coffee, burning her tongue. "Uh.. well... Things right now between us are... difficult." Gwen began. Courtney frowned. "So... I don't know what you want to do... to try and fix it or... you know. Break up. I... just really wanted to know." Gwen admitted. Courtney dropped her frown. "Break up? Who said anything about breaking up? We just had an arguement, that dosen't mean-"
"Just answer the question."
"I want to try to fix things... atleast try. I know we've been awkward and not getting along lately, but.. I still... you know, love you." Courtney finsihed with a sorrow expression as Gwen nodded. "I think so, too."
There was silence. "So... is that it?" Gwen was really confused. Are they on good terms or not? "I dont know." Courtney shrugged. "I guess were both stupid." Courtney added as Gwen laughed. There was a rustling as someone walked up to them. "Are you guys serious? You always come here to drama llama... and it's always before my break, too! So tell me, bossy looking brown haired girl... are you going to order something or not?" Dakota frowned. "Uh." Courtney said before Gwen and her began to laugh as Dakota retreated behind the counter with a sour expression.
The car. Geoff hoped desperatley Gwen wouldn't notice. But he had not just temporarily stolen her car, he had stolen something inside. Something he planned to give to somekne in specific. Gwen's diary. He planned to give it to the school's gossip queen Sierra, and everything would work. Especially the stuff he had written in there himself.

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