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      warnings: S T A L K , S * E R R A , H O M O  R E F E R A N C E S , L A N G U A G E

    Gwen had been avoiding two people. Heather for obvious reasons, and Cody because hes annoying. Gwen hadnt talked to Courtney recently- because its only been one day. It was only the second day of school yet Gwen was already warming up to the enviornment.
    Gwen was walking to her first class, Algebra 2. She stepped in to see Cody being forced into a hug by a Purple and pink braided girl. "Sierra! Stop!" Cody cried as Sierra tightened her grip."I MISSED YOU CODYKINS!" She said, snapping a picture and posting it on TikTok. Gwen sighed and sat down at the same desk as yesterday, by which Courtney was writing stuff down on the desk beside hers. "Courtney?" Asked Gwen, worried. Courtney looked up at Gwen. "Hi, Gwen." She said. There was silence.
     "Gwen, I dont know what to do. Im not sure I really miss Heather, she was pretty rude. But now all her friends are going to hate me! As SCP I should be getting along with everyone, not being hated by them!" She buried her head in her arms.
      Gwen stared. "Not everybody hates you! I dont, and Im sure Cody and Sierra dont." Gwen said. Courtney blinked, raising her head. "Sierra is pretty much a stalker, Cody bwrely counts as a human, Youre cool, though." Courtney smiled at Gwen. Gwen smiled back. "See, Im not so bad."
       For a few moments, like at lunch the day prior, the two looked at eachother's eyes. A few seconds went bybefore they both turned away, nervous. "So.. Gwen. Me and my friends are visiting a Summer Sum Up Fest. Maybe youd like to come?" Courtney said hopefully. Gwen looked down for a few seconds. She wasnt too fond of festivals, but she could use a few friends. "Yeah, okay. I'll go. When is it?" She asked. Courtney smiled. Tommorow at 8:00 PM to 12 AM. Were meeting up there by the Ferris Wheel at 8:30."
        Gwen nodded. "Okay. By the way, whats a Summer Sum Up Fest?" Gosh that sounded so stupid. Courtney laughed. "I dont even know. I think its to celebrate the end of summer that year, and some famous people go and sum up their summer. Some music artists sing songs theyd created that summer. Its just an End of summer fest, basically." Courtney said. Ohh. Gwen remembered stuff like that back in Canada.


    Gwen was simply walking through the halls when Courtney basically ran up to her and pushed her into a hug. "Uh.. Courtney?" Gwen said, confused. Courtney seemed, like, really excited. "Sorry! But you wont believe it! I saw my friend, Owen, and he said he couldnt go to the festival, which is sad, but it means that you get his express!" Courtney squeled. Gwen blinked. "Oh- okay. Cool." She was red in the face from this sudden hugging thing. Courtney pulled away from the hug, but her hands still rested on Gwens shoulders. "By the way, the vote for the Senior Graduation Trip!" Gosh. Gwen wondered how Courtney had this much energy, but okay. "Nice." Said Gwen, still red in the face. Heather and her friends walked up to them. Courtney's grip on Gwen's shoulders tensed.
     "What's this?" Asked Heather, frowning. "Now your into Goth Girls?" Heather laughed, her friends copying her laugh. Courtney took her hands off Gwen's shoulders. "Fuck off, Heather!" Courtney said, instantly covering her mouth and looking around for teachers. "Awh scared of losing your Student Council title?" Heather grinned. Courtney looked around for any teachers again. "Heather, I said fuck off!" Courtney repeated. Heather gasped. "Oh no! Shiver me timbers!" Heather acted scared. Gwen stood there, resisting herself was getting hard. "Heather, she said fuck off and leave us damn alone!" Heather pushed Courtney aside. "What did you say, Gothy?"
Heather asked, anger sparking in her eyes. Gwen scowled. "I said leave us alone and fuck off!"
Heather laughed, her friends had left, clearly not wanting to be involved in this. "Us? Us?" Hewther repeated angrily. "You and who? Your girlfriend? You guys dating now? Happy Im off the sheet, huh?" Heather reached out and grabbed onto Gwen's head, trying to crack it. Gwen fought back, tackling Heather onto the ground. "Stop!" Cried Courtney, tears on her face as Sierra spotted the scene and instantly started a tiktok live. "GUYS! A FIGHT IS HAPPENING!" Sierra screached. Gwen had Heather pinned onto the ground. "Not so fierce now, huh?" Asked Gwen, listening to Courtney's sobs. Gwen looked up at her for a split second, causing Heather to pin Gwen onto the floor. "Have fun at the hospital, Gothy." Heather said, but Gwen got up and pushed Heather into the wall. Students were recording in awe. "Guys! Stop, come on! This isn't nesscary !" Said Courtney, crying. Gwen grabbed Heather's neck as Heather began to choke, kicking at Gwen. "GIRLS!" The princaple said, walking up to the two of them and pulling them apart. "MY OFFICE NOW!" Gwen and Heather trailed after her, Gwen giving Courtney an apologetic look. The audience walked away dissapointedly. "Uh, principal, can I speak to Courtney real quickly?" Gwen asked hopefully. The principal nodded. "Be fast."
"Courtney," Gwen said. Courtney looked at her, her eyes filled with tears. Gwen pulled Courtney into her arms as Courtney began to cry. "Im sorry, Courtney." Gwen whispered calmly as Courtney sobbed into her chest. "Please, dont do it again." Courtney said. Gwen nodded, placing her chin on top of Courtney's head. "I wont. I promise." They stayed there like that for a few minutes before Gwen left to be very possibly expelled.

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