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warning: L A N G U A G E , R A C I A L   S L U R (censored) , L G B T Q

   "Look what you did, you fucking asshole." Gwen scowled as Courtney's tear slid down her face. Geoff frowned. "Shes so sensetive. Not my fault I cant even say the word mother to her."
     Courtney felt several tears on her face now as she sniffled, trying not to cry. She was SCP, she couldnt cry. It was a bad example. She got up, not wanting Gwen to see her cry. "Courtney." Gwen said gently when she stood up. Courtney ignored her, exiting the cafeteria and going to the restroom. Gwen looked at Geoff. "Your a fucking dissapointment, you know that? A waste of space." She said,  several students recording. They were the only people talking in the cafeteria. Geoff scoffed. "Yeah? And why is that?" He asked.
"Because Courtney's mom is in the HOSPITAL, YOU FUCKING PARTY ANIMAL!" She yelled. Geoff stared. "Well it's not my fault she and her mom are a bunch of bean*rs."

The whole cafeteria gasped.

    "Oh my god." Gwen whispered. "What is wrong with you? Why would you say that?"
Geoff simply stared. There was silence as Gwen glared in disgust. Eventually the bell rang and thw two went their ways. Gwen's next class was with Courtney. Gwen deeply hoped Courtney hadnt seen the video that almost every student in the cafeteria recorded, likely already uploaded on several social medias. Gwen walked to class, several students whispering as she did so. Courtney entereda few moments later, with a different makeup than last time Gwen saw her. "Courtney.." Gwen started, and Courtney looked up at Gwen, pain in her eyes. "Why? Why would he say that about me? About my family? Why would he say that.." Courtney had seen the video. She began to cry again. The teacher wasn't here yet. "Courtney, I know school is important to you, but you really should have some time away from this awful, awful place." Gwen sighed, putting her hand on Courtney's shoulder. "I want to leave." Courtney sobbed. "It's okay, Court. Were going to leave right now." The two got up and left class walking to the nurse's office and left. That's it. No permission. SCP privalege. Gwen got in her car and Courtney came in after, sitting in the passenger seat. "Gwen, why would he say that to me?" Courtney repeated, still sobbing. "Because hes a fucked up asshole who never deserved to be friends with you." Gwen said, beginning to drive. Courtney stayed silent for a few moments. "Gwen?" She asked.
"Yes?" Gwen replied.
"I love you." Courtney sniffled.
Gwen smiled weakly. "I love you, too. Without you, I would be so miserable. You really are wonderful, and dont ever doubt that no matter what Geoff says. You are the most important someone to me in the entire world. Nobody I know means more to me than you do." Gwen knew it was a little extra, but she had to spill it out. Courtney smiled, wiping her tears. "Thank you." Courtney said. The two arrived at Courtney's house, closing the car doors. "I can leave if you like." Gwen offered. Courtney shook her head. "No. Stay. Please?" Courtney begged. Gwen couldnt help but smile as she walked on and Coirtney smiled back, heading to the kitchen. "Courtney, I love you, but I dont love baking." Gwen noted, seeing Courtney grab some bowls and cake batter. "Come on, it'll be super fun." Courtney said, grabbing Gwen's hand and putting the cake batter in a bowl where she poured in milk and stirred it up. "Keep mixing." Courtney told her as Courtney wandered off around the house. Gwen sighed as she mixed the batter and milk, watching as Courtney came back with christmas lights. "It's about time this miserable place is decorated." Courtney smiled, uncoiling the lights and grabbing a ladder. Gwen watched as Courtney lined the roof with christmas lights. Ring, ring, ring. "Oh, Court, yoir phone." Gwen said as Courtney climbed down the ladder and picked up. "Hello?" She asked. "Wait, what?"

"Oh my god."

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