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   Warning: L G B T Q , F I L L E R

"Yeah, what did she miss?" Lindsay asked innocently as Bridgette realized Geoff's absence. "Where Geoff?" She asked. Courtney didn't answer. "Well, Brianna, Courtlyn made Jeff leave!" She said excitedly. "It was so funny!" Lindsay smiled. Bridgette glared at Courtney. "Why would you do that?" She asked. Courtney scowled. "I live here. He dosent. He was being an asshole to me and Gwen for no damn reason. I tokd him if he couldnt control himself, then he had to leave." Courtney said, skipping a few details. Bridgette frowned. "What did he say about you and Gwen?" She asked. "It dosent matter!" Kitty interrupted randomly. "Can we please go back to not yelling?" Kitty suggested and Emma nodded in agreement. "Kitty is right (For the first time ever). We shouldnt be arguing like this." Emma defended. Bridgette sighed. "Im going to find Geoff, okay Court? Bye. Have fun guys." Bridgette left, closing the door behind her. "Bye Bianca!" Lindsay called. Gwen sighed. Thiswas going to be a really awkward second half of a sleepover.
    Gwen was in the artroom afterschool the following Monday. She had art club every Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday. She was drawing a picture of a vase she found in her teacher's prompt closet, studying the paisley designs carefully. Sadie and Katie were next to her. "So, Gwen." Sadie said. Gwen looked up. "Name and occupation?" Katie asked, holding her phone up to Gwen. Gwen groaned. Not this shit. "Gwen Ingrid. Occupation is school." She said, looking at Sadie recording. Katie nodded. "If you could send a message to wnyone in the school, who would it be?"
Sadie asked. "To Geoff- Fuck off. From, Gwen." Gwen said, quite proud. Katie and Sadie laughed in sync as the two trailed off. Gwen grabbed her phone and played her playlist, putting on her beats. She continued to carefully draw the vase, finally on the last paisley design. Once she finished she began to fill it in with colored pencils, and eventually finished. She closed her sketchbook and got up, leaving. She was out in the halls, walking to the bottom floor. One set of stairs. And another. And eventually the entrance steps. She walked into someone. "Oops- oh. Sorry, Lindsay." Gwen apologized. Lindsay smiled. "Its okay, Geniveve!" Lindsay forgave, not long before Gwen frowned. "It's Gwen." She corrected. "No, silly! I'm Lindsay." She smiled. "And you are Gen." Lindsay walked off happily. Gwen sighed, continuing to her car. She watched as winds blew, ruffling her hair as she looked up at the sky. It was a little dark, but she didn't mind. She looked at her car and got in, driving somewhere to get dinner. She stopped at Panera and got a soup, and once she finished she drove away. Not much else exciting happened. Gwen got home and watched a movie. She recieved a call. "Hello?" She asked. "Hi, Geniveve!" Said a cheerful voice through the phone. Wait, how did Lindsay- "Uhhh. Hi, Lindsay." Gwen said, clearly confused. "So Sara gave me your number because I just had to tell you about my experience with a Talemarketer on my phone! So this guy called me.."

"Hello, this is Linda?"
"No silly Im Lindsay."
"Lindsay, this is Jayden from the Walls and Floors repairment. There is a 98% chance your walls and floors are at risk-"
"Why are they at risk?"
"Well, you see, there could be mold building up inside the walls."
"Lindsay, the dampness or humidity in your house could effect this alot and this is super serious."
"Oh okay so how do I pay you to fix it?"
"Send me your card number."
"For what?"
"To pay."
"To pay for what?"
"The wall managment,.."
"What about wall managment, Hayden?"
"...And then he hung up.. so rude!" Lindsay's voice sounded like a frown somehow. "Uh. Okay." Gwen hung up before Lindsay could start again and called Courtney. Ring ring ring. "Courtney, Lindsay just called me rambling on about a scam call for no reason and told me Sierra gave her my number. Why would Sierra have my number?" Gwen asked. Courtney's voice glitched a little. "Uh, because shes a stalker."
"Oh, yeah. Forgot about that."
"Also what scam call? Tell me the story."
"What story?" Lindsays voice said in Gwens head. "Its a long one." Gwen sighed.

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