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warnings: L G B T Q , L A N G U A G E , S * E R R A , S C H O O L , F A M I L Y    D E A T H

It was 12:00 PM when Gwen decided she couldn't sleep. She turned on her room lights and began to draw, her pencil creating the shape of the small plant on her desk. Gwen sighed as she closed her sketchbook and looked at the roof. She didn't know how to feel about life right now. She had Courtney, which was amazing. And then theres the troubles. Like Geoff. What was his deal with me, anyway?
    I hear my phone ringing as I pick it up and answer. "Hello?" I ask. A recognizable voice spoke. "Hey, Gwen. I know it's super late but I just got a call my mom... is in the... hospital." She spoke through glitched sniffles as Gwen's eyes widened with shock. "Oh my god. Courtney, if you need me to come over, I will." Gwen was already gettingher keys when Courtney's voice said through thr phone, "Please."
    It was 1 AM when Gwen got to Courtney's house. Gwen hugged Courtney and kissed her, holding her close. Courtney was crying. "Oh, Court. Im so sorry." Gwen said, feeling herself tear up, too. Courtney finally let go and looked into Gwen's eyes, before going to get a cup of water. Gwen looked down at her feet. She loved Courtney. But she didn't know how to comfort her. Was she supposed to not bring it up or talk about it? Was she suppsoed to give Courtney a gift? Or was she supposed to leave and give Courtney some alone time? Gwen just stood there, confused.
    "Gwen." Courtney said, coming back with a cup of water. "Yeah?" Gwen asked. "It's okay if you want to leave." Courtney forced a smile. Although, Dourtney wasnt sure she wanted Gwen to leave. Gwen frowned. "I wouldnt do that unless you really wanted me to." Gwen said. Courtney smiled. Real, this time.
    Gwen was in her first period. She heard Izzy behind her drawing an abstract version of the princaple on the desk with a sharpie, cackling wickedly. Courtney came to school for her perfect attendance, yet she was miserable most of the class and held Gwen's hand everytime she felt upset. Gwen was scribbling down notes, Sierra was having a one sided conversation with Cody. "Hey." Ms. Roselet said, looking at Cody. "No talking." Cody frowned. "But Sierra was-" the Teacher shook her head. "I didn't see her talking." Ms. Roselet continued to teach and the bell rang. Courtney got up, grabbing her bag and waiting for Gwen at the door. Cojrtney grabbed Gwen's hand, tears in her eyes. "I will see you in third period." Courtney said to Gwen, her voice trembling. "Bye, Courtney!" Gwen said as Courtney returned the bye and walked opposite directiins. Gwen walked to her second class, awaiting lunchtime.
    Gwen sat at her and Courtney's usual spot. They ate in silence, listening to the rowdy tables around them. Geoff and Bridgette came to sit with them. "Hey guys!" Bridgette smiled. "Hi." Geoff said, obviously dragged there by Bridgette. Gwen looked at them. "Hey." She said. Courtney simply forced a weak smile to greet the two as Geoff scoffed. "See Bridge? No point. She cant even say hi." Geoff critisized. Gwen glared at him. "Fuck off." She scowled. Geoff tensed. "What's your problem?" He asked, and Gwen laughed. "My problem? What's yours?" She raised her voice, Sierra grabbing her phone from one table behind them. "Maybe the fact yiu take everything so pedsonal? And let Courtney defend herself, Quit making her a spoiled Mothers Girl." Geoff raised his, too. Bridgette left to avoid drama. Gwen saw Courtney's eyes fill up with tears at the word mother. Gwen scowled at Geoff. "Look what you did, you fucking asshole."

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