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warnings: L G B T Q , L A N G U A G E , M E N T I O N / S M A L L   S E X U A L   H A R A S S M E N T , A N G S T , A R R E S T

Long chapter.

    Courtney, Gwen, and Lindsay froze, their eyes on the spot where Gwen's car was once parked. Lindsay gasped. "Maybe this wasnt the right spot?" She suggested. Gwen shook her head. "No, it was here." Gwen frowned. There was no mistaking her car, it was a black Range Roser with a midnight blue stripe she had spray painted on herself. But the question was.. where the hell was it? Courtney unzipped her sweatpant's pockets to grab her phone and looked at Gwen. "Should we call someone to pick us up?" She asked. Gwen sighed. "Well, no, because this is a fucking crime scene. That car was really expensive. I can't just leave." Gwen crossed her arms. Courtney looked around as a few men headed towards them. "Hey ladies." The men greeted. Gwen was not having it. "Fuck off, fucking pedos." Gwen told them. Yeah, one of them was eighteen and not a minor, but these men couldn't know that. "Minors, eh? You sure?" Asked the man in the middle. He raised an eyebrow at Courtney. "Sure your not a bit older than that?" He scoffed. Gwen frowned. Courtney actaully is a minor. But shockingly Lindsay wasn't and was actually someone who was held back a year. She turned nineteen around the end of September. Courtney and Gwen on the other hand, Gwen turned eighteen in Febuary and Courtney in January. Courtney narrowed her eyes. "I turn eighteen in January." She said. The man smirked. "Close enough.. and you, youndpg lady?" He asked Lindsay. Lindsay glared. "Uh, matter of factt, Im, like, not a minor!" She said. The mans smile grew as Gwen furiously shushed Lindsay. "You must be a minor, too." He said, touching Gwen's hair. Courtney slapped his hand off. "Fucking asshole, get your hands off her!"
The man's smile faded. Th other guy was awkwardly gawking at Lindsay. "Anyone wanna take some photos?" Asked the man. Gwen shook her head. "No. We dont." She answered. The man's stern face grew as he reached out and patted Lindsay's head. "What about you, darling?" He asked. Lindsay stepped back. "Sorry... but no thanks." She looked uncomfortable. Good, because if she wasn't, she wouldve likely said yes. The man looked at the three. "Say, I am having a party at my home with lots of my friends, and you guys are invited... if you want to come." He smirked. Courtney grabbed her phone, dialing three digits before the second guy slapped her phone onto the floor with a crack. "Fuck!" Courtney cried as her phone lied helplessly on the road. Lindsay looked down at it. "Sorry about your phone, Courtlyn. But this party sounds fun!" Lindsay smiled as the man nodded. "No." Gwen stated. Courtney nodded. The man glwred at the two of them. "You guys got issues?" He asked, getting in their faces. He put is hand on Courtney's shoulder. "I know you. Your're the girl on the newspaper who's mom died." He smiled. "How awful." He added. Courtney shook his arm off her. "Fuck off." She said, grabbing Gwen's hand. "Oh." The man realized. His eyes went to Lindsay before sirens echoed and a police car parked. "I got a call?" The cop said, cuffing the two men as the three girls turned around to see Heather. "Yeah, I called. Those two were assulting two minors." Heather told the cops as they dragged the men into the car. Courtney gasped and so did Gwen. "I knew it was right to text you!" Lindsay smiled as Heather scoffed. "I dont like any of you three, especially a specific pair, but girls help other girls out in this world... so.. yeah." Heather sighed as she looked around. "Bye." She said before quickly getting in her car and leaving. Courtney and Gwen watched as she left. "See? Heather isnt that bad." Lindsay smiled. Gwen frowned. "Suppose so." She shrugged. Courtney watched as frowned again. "Still dont know where my car is and its two AM. Lindsay looks tired and we need to get home." Gwen looked around, upset as she spotted a black car with midnight stripes on it and rushed over to it. There was a paper on the window. Sympathy. It said as Gwen tore it off and crumbled it. "Whatever." She said as she got inside and the others did two. They drove to Gwen's house, and Lindsay went to sleep as soon as the sheets were neatly placed on the mattress. Lindsay was asleep as Courtney turned to Gwen. "I told you it was a bad idea to go." She frowned. Gwen looked at Courtney. "Yeah. You did." She admitted. Courtney scoffed. "Thats it? You did? So, your not going to admit this was all sort of... your fault?" Courtney asked. Gwen glared at her. "Whats up with you lately?" Gwen sighed. Courtney stepped back. "What do you mean?"

"Your'e being pushy, Courtney. It wasn't any of our faults that happened so quit it." Gwen told her. Courtney rolled her eyes. "So you think I'm pushy? What else have you told Zoey I am? A bossy girl with an annoying attitude? Too attached to stuff?" Courtney suggested. "You know, the real reason I wasn't answering your messages was because I found out my best friend killed my mom. Not because I suddenly didn't love you. But I guess you took it that way and started hanging out with Zoey." Courtney argued. Gwen stared. "So you're jealous? Of a girl who tried fixing our relationship?" Gwen couldn't believe Courtney right now. "Yeah, you know, I guess I am." Courtney frowned. Gwen looked at Courtney. "Theres no reason to be jealous." Gwen narrowed her eyes as Courtney met Gwen's eyes. "Yeah, okay. Fine. You clearly don't want me to be here. So I'll leave." Courtney grabbed her keys and headed towards the door. Gwen watched this happen. "Fine, then! Go, if you really think that."
With that, Courtney stormed out.
Gwen went to the bathroom to make sure Lindsay didn't wake up to see her crying.

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