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warnings: L A N G U A G E , T E E N   D R I N K I N G , L G B T Q + , S E X U A L   A S S A U L T   M E N T I O N E D

    Sierra sat at the table, while people around her danced and laughed in Christmas sweaters, holding onto drinks of sorts. Sierra couldn't help but feel guilty about the post she added to her instagram account. She didn't even want to! Someone directly messaged her, threatening her to use Gwen's diary which had appeared on her doorstep the following morning. And here she was. Posting someone's private business on the internet.
It didn't help when both Gwen  and Courtney were at the party. Both avoiding eye contact and being even ten feet close to each other. Sierra turned on her phone and checked their instagrams. She had to search extra for Courtney's as she had a new one because apparently her old phone was smashed and shes using her cousins old phone and she had made a new Instagram. There weren't major changes except the bios, and the two didn't look very affected by the post. Maybe Courtney understood and they broke up just like that? Probably not. Sierra noticed as Cody hurried when he walked behind her. She signed. What was wrong with her?


Gwen was talking with Noah, who was dragged to this party by Izzy. Who was currently.. somewhere? Either way, Noah was pretty funny. His sarcasm got annoying sometimes, but oh well. Gwen felt so awkward knowing that everyone here, including thought she and Courtney were broken up. Her eyes wandered to Sierra, scrolling on her phone miserably. Gwen swallowed. That wasn't why they came here. They needed Sierra to notice. Gwen simply walked up to Sierra, ready to start some uncalled for drama. That's what Highschool parties are about. Drama. "Hey, stalker." Gwen firmly stated, randomly walking away from Noah to Sierra, who looked up. "Hi?" Sierra gave a nervous smile. She knew what she did was wrong, it was obvious. "If you're going to post my personal business then feel free to tag me, too. You ruined my fucking life. I don't even know who wrote that in my journal, because it wasn't me. I wouldn't ever write something like that." Gwen wasn't lying. Sierra frowned. "Look, Gwen, I really didn't want to post that. I don't want to post anything like that. It was horrible-" but Gwen cut her off. "Then you shouldn't have posted it. It's not that difficult. Nobody had a fucking gun to your head. You've sexually assaulted Cody, and clearly you don't actually care about anybody here's lives. So fuck off and leave people alone. Because of you, me and Courtney ended things between us." Gwen argued. She meant what she said, but she made sure to include her and Courtney's 'break up'. Sierra went silent as Geoff walked up to them. "Hey, guys. What's up?" He smiled. "Not this bitch." Gwen murmured. Geoff heard, his smile dropping. "Sorry about the break up." He lied. He clearly wasn't. "Alright, Geoff. Why don't you have your secrets on the internet? What are your secrets? Your an awful person, so they must be really, really bad." Gwen was short, and way smaller, but she stood her guard. Sierra had slipped away. Drunk teenagers started chanting Fight! Fight! fight! While punching thier fists into the air. Courtney didn't neither did Kitty and Lindsay. Or Noah. Geoff stared at Gwen. "Fine, you wanna know my secret?" He whispered. "It was never Bridgette." He said into her ear as he shoved her before she could react. Gwen crashed onto the floor, several glasses falling. Everyone went quiet as Courtney went to help Gwen. "Gwen, love, you'll be okay." She comforted. Geoff stared. "Thought you two broke up..?" He sounded confused, but he knew right away telling Gwen his secret was a bad idea.

He was so, so dead.

   "No, we didn't. Gwen let me read her journal. I know she didn't write that- it's not even her hand writing. Plus, I trust her more than I trust Sierra."

Geoff's plan wasn't working. It was falling apart. Everyone's eyes were on him. Even Lindsay scowled angrily at him and broke the silence with a "Your horrible, Giraffe!"

The teenagers broke into laughter as Geoff stood there. Courtney wasn't there to see this satisfying embarrassment. She was helping Gwen. Geoff stood there. Oh, how he hated both those two.

He would fucking kill them.

Total Drama Highschool AUWhere stories live. Discover now