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warnings: L G B T Q , L A N G U A G E , A N G S T  , D R U G S , I L L E G A L  A C T I V I T Y

    Gwen strudded down the hall, followed by Kitty, Emma's little sister. "And, like, its so unfair because- BRB! My BEREAL went off!" Kitty said, grabbing her phone from her hoodies pocket and snapping several pictures. Gwen sighed. She had become friends with Kitty and Emma a day ago, hoping it woukd distract her from Heather and Courtney. She had to pack for another Florida tour trip tonight, because the princaple told Courtney she couldnt change who she invited. Emma would be there, too, and Kitty, whom was invited by Emma. So things wouldnt be too bad for Gwen. Right?
    Gwen looked out her rainy car window as she drove to her destination. It was late, and the trip was in twenty minutes. She had taken a quick stop somewhere before arriving at the school. She pulled up to the post office, checking the time on her phone and tapping her foot impatiently. After about three minutes, a truck pulled up. "Hello," greeted the figure who stepped out. Gwen didnt return the greeting. "So," the figure said, pulling down its hood, revealing a green mohawk, and opening his suitcase. "Which ones?" He asked, smoking his cigarette. Gwen looked in the case. "The paxil." Gwen said, pulling away from the case as the mohawked boy handed her the drugs. "Thats thirty five of them. Itll cost you three hundered and sixteen dollars." He pulled his cigarette out and coughed. Gwen handed him three one hundred dollar bills and a twenty. "Just keep it." She said, getting in her car and driving to the school.
   Gwen dragged herself onto the bus, a small bag of belonging over her shoulder. She found Courtney and sat beside her, not saying a word. The bus was moving. Still no words. "Gwen-" Courtney began. "If you dont mind... why did you do it?" She asked, not looking at Gwen meerley laughed. "Why? So now you want an explanation? After dumping me and getting with that stupid queen bee again?" Gwen couldnt believe Courtney. "And I didnt do it." She added, clearly angry. Courtney scowled. "Dont call Heather stupid! Shes actually really smart. And I was upset then. Well, more shock-" Courtney started, but Gwen cut her off. "I dont give a fuck. If I had the choice, I wouldnt be coming on this trip at all." Gwen frowned. Courtney shrugged and ooked down at her phone. 12:02 AM. She was texting a groupchat with the display name "Bridge and Geoff". Gwen rolled her eyes. She noticed most people were either asleep, chatting, or on their phones or laptops and decided nobody was paying attention to her. She looked over to make sure Courtney wasnt watching as she grabbed her waterbottle and places two little paxil pills inside. She drank from the bottle, feeling the two pills slide down her throat. She grabbed her phone after, scrolling through Tiktok. Several posts from Sierra. Most about Cody with some videos of fights. She heard some sniffling beside her as she looked to see Courtney, her phone off. Courtney was looking at the reflection of the black screen and onto Gwen. Then Gwen realized. Shit. Shit, shit, shit. She saw me. She saw me take the pills.
   Courtney slowly looked up from the reflecting black screen, a tear on her cheek. "Gwen.." she sniffled, but Gwen only frowned. "Dont look at me like that. After all, its your fault."

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