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warnings: L A N G U A G E , A N G S T , L G B T Q , D R U G  T A L K , V I O L E N C E

    Courtney blinked in shock. "My fault? How?" She asked, questions racing through her mind. Gwen rolled her eyes. "How? You left me. When I was the happiest, you left me." She said, anger flaring through her eyes. Courtney felt anger rising in her aswell. "YOU CHEATED ON ME!" She yelled, several sleeping students waking up and some recording videos. "I did not!" Gwen retorted, more anger in her eyes. "Then what was that picture?" Courtney frowned, Gwen scowled. "You mean that photoshopped shit? Thats the fucking son of a popular Tiktok teacher!" She shouted, more people recording on their phones. Courtney pulled the picture up on her phone, looking at it. "Oh. Oh shit." She gasped, looking at small masking feathers around Gwen. "Its edited." She noted, and Gwen smiled sarcastically. "No. It is?" She asked. Courtney looked at her. "Im so sorry-"

"No." Gwen said, turning away. Courtney felt more tears in her eyes. "Gwen, I mean it! I didnt know-" but Gwen interrupted her. "You didnt know? Maybe you shoulve listened to me instead of HEATHER AND SIERRA!" She cried, forcing her tears away. Courtney simply blinked. Gwen was breathing heavily.

"Whas goin' back dere?" Called the driver from the front seat. Neither answered, simply staring into eachother's eyes. One filled with sorrow, and the other fading anger. The bus stopped. "Were here." Several students called, getting up and racing off the bus. This time, they were in the most boring possible city ever- Ocala. They had gone because the princaple claimed it would be a good 'learning experience', but Courtney had done research on it and the only interesting things she could find were the fact that it was apperantly the horse capital of the world, and that there were more gas stations than stores in the mall. And the second one wasnt exactly a good thing. Speaking of the mall.. that was their visit the next day. After they slept, of course. Courtney, Emma, Kitty, and Gwen reached the hotel room, in which Courtney placed her bags by her bed. "So, since me and Kitty are sisters- were obviously going to share, so.. you guys dont have to talk. Just ignore eachother, okay?" Emma said, watching Kitty take pictures. Courtney sat on the bed, the side closest to the window. She pulled out her laptop to watch more episodes of  Boo Bitch. She pulled out a bag of potato chips, turning up the brightness. Gwen sat beside her, not paying the slightest attention. She grabbed her phone and began scrolling through Tiktok extremely bored. Last time, she had watched something on Courtneys laptop. Now she couldnt do that, unless she either peeked at Courtneys screen, or told her that she was sorry.. and also that she forgives her. But what if shes not willing to forgive her? Courtney had begged for forgiveness and Gwen wouldnt even listen out of immaturity. Okay. She was going to say she was sorry. She took a deep breath, before turning to face Courtney. "Courtney-" she began, but Courtney called someone. "Hi," she said into the speaker. "Yeah, uh.. I think we would be better off without eachother. Im sorry. No, it dosent. I knew that, Im not stupid. Im not falling for your tricks. Bye. Yeah, it is. Shut up. I dont care." She hung up without further words, unpausing her show. Gwen took a deep breath. "What are you watching?" She asked. Shit, thay was really shitty. Coirtney seemed a little confused but answered anyway. "Its a show." She said. "The one we were watching last time." Gwen nodded. "I remember." She noted, the memory replaying in her head. "Courtney, Im really sorry. I was a real ass to you on the bus and I wouldnt even hear you out. You mean everything to me, I was just upset.. okay?" Gwen finally managed, nervously looking as Courtney paused the show and looked up at Gwen. "Gwen, Its okay. You dont need to be sorry. Its my fault. Im sorry. Im so, so sorry." Before Gwen knew it, Courtney was tearing up, Kitty and Emma watching from the other side of the room. "So much for ignoring eachother," Emma mumbled to Kitty, who giggled quietly. Gwen sighed. "Its okay," she said, and Courtney leaned in to meet Gwens lips. Gwen kissed back, smiling. "Woah woah okay, okay. Nobody wants to see you guys make out. Now break it up you two." Said Emma, getting up. "Courtneyeyeyey!" Called Kitty. "I want some chips!" She waved her arms desperately. Emma sighed. Courtney pulled away from Gwen and tossed the same bag of potato chips she had been eating. "Thankssss!" Said Kitty, snapping a picture of both her and the chips. Courtney laughed, showing Gwen the laptop. "Here. You liked this show, right?" She asked, but Gwen shrugged. "Kinda. Needs some horror elemen-" she began, but Courtney rolled her eyes, grinning. "I know a movie we can watch tommorow." She smiled. Gwen smiled back. She really, really had missed that smile. And her stomach missed the drugs in her backpack.

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