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Everyone was getting scared as the hail crashed onto the bus roof, Courtney getting on the floor. "Bus driver! How long?" She called, and the driver replied with, "six minutes." Gwen sighed in relief and Courtney did, too. The bus arrived at the school shortly as everyone rushed inside. Gwen got into her car instewd, so it didnt get dented. Courtney did the same, as the two drove away, headed in different directions.
Heather dialed the number, and reached the pick up noise. "Hello?" Asked Sierra through the phone. Heather smirked. "Hey.. would you.. do me a favor for some gossip in return?" Heather asked, still smirking. She heard Sierra say "What favor?". Heather smiled even more. "I need an edited photo. Of Gwen."
Courtney couldnt believe it. She had woken up and gotten a notification from Sierra- a picyure of Gwen and some random boy kissing. Why would she do that? Was She annoying? Whatd she do wrong? She had cried for a while, getting ready for school. She drove there, walking in feeling hurt. She walked to her first class, sadly, which she had with Gwen. Everyone looked her way when she entered. Izzy and Eva seemed to not care, Sierra was on her phone snapping pictures, Cody was staring at Gwen, and Gwen smiled at her. "Hey!" Gwen said, but Courtney sat next to Eva. Gwen frowned. At the end of class, she caught up with Courtney. "Courtney? Whats wrong?" Gwen asked, 3frowning and reaching her hand out. Courtney pushed Gwens hand away. "What do you mean whats wrong?" She felt tears in her eyes. Gwen looked confused. Courtney picked up Gwens phone, opened Instagram, and opened Sierras page. "Whats WRONG?" Courtney repeated, students gathering around. "Woah- I- I didnt do that! I prmoise!" Gwen said, looking at the phone in disbelief. Courtney shook her head. "No, stop. I dont want to talk to you. Im sorry Gwen. Its over." She began to cry as she walkee away. She went to the bathroom, crying still. Until someone came in. "I said its over!" Courtney said. "Oh. Your not Gwen." She noticed, looking at Heather. Heather looked at Courtney. "Courtney,.. do you want to talk about it?" She asked. Courtney paused. "I cant believe she did that." She sniffed. She felt Heather take her in her arms. Heather comforted her, stroking her hair. "Im here for you, Courtney." She said. Courtney cried into her arms. "Thank you, Heather." She cried. Heather pulled away and kissed Courtney, grinning to herself. "Feel better, love." She said when she walked away. Now people would love her again. Great. And now people hated Gwen. Even better.

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