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Gwen exited her car as she looked up to see Wawankwa Highschool towering over the grass, the shadow long and dark. She hadnt expected it to be three stories tall. She saw several people around her age walking around, talking to their friends. Gwen opened the main doors and found herself in a large breezeway with Adults and Teenagers everywhere. Gwen had to squeeze to get around.
The first thing Gwen did was sign up for the bus. And she selected a club, too. She had chosen art. A counceler had told her that she would be in Algebra 2 first period, and from there she would recieve her schedule. Gosh this school was big... Gwen began walking and reached a large courtyard with several tables. Students sat at these tables with maps and friends.
Gwen bumped into a tall girl with long black hair. "Watch it, Gothgirl!" The girl huffed, causing eyes to go their way. "My mistake, lampost. Air thin up there?" Gwen retorted angrily, glaring at the tall girl. The black haired girl gasped. "Really? Maybe if you pour water on yourself and sprout, you might know how THIN the air is up here. Care to try?" The girl said, handing Gwen a water bottle. Gwen scowled. "I heard if you pour too much water, you die and get shriveled up. Shorter." Gwen said puring the water over the girl's head as the girl yelled- "You are so going to pay for that!" But a girl with blonde hair and green eyes pulled her back, "Heather, stop! Calm down." The blonde girl pulled back Heather as Gwen stared, a small grin on her face. Gwen turned around to see a few teachers staring in dissspointment. Well, this would be a tough year.

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