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warnings: L A N G U A G E , H O M O ( L G B T Q 2 + ) , B L O O D

Courtney walked through the school, her thoughts racing and replaying that night at the fest.
She thought Gwen was amazing, and she did.. like her? But it had only been five days since they met. She didnt want to rush things. But she didnt want to make Gwen feel bad just to come back a week later and say, "oh Im ready now." No, thatd be awful.. and.. it would cause an odd rift between them if she said no. Plus, its not like Courtney really wanted to say no. Okay.. she would text Gwen today. Tell her yes.
Courtney had seen Geoff and Bridgette watch from afar. She had recieved like a thousand texts from them asking why the hell Gwen kissed her. Courtney didnt know the answer herself. She had two more minutes to get to her class with Geoff and Bridgette, gosh this would be awkward.
Courtney got to her class just before the bell rang, sitting at her desk shere Geoff came up to her. "Why didnt you respknd to our texts?" He asked, annoyed. Courtney swallowed. "I didnt know how to respond," she said. Geoff snorted. "Or were you too nervous? Its a bad idea, Courtney. Shes dangerous." Geoff warned. Courtney looked away. "Shes nice." Courtney pipped up, barely audible. Geoff scoffed. "Court, its not a good idea. She almost sent Heather to the hospital. Plus, she seems toxic." Geoff said. Courtney sighed. "But Geoff- I like her." Courtney began. Geoff frowned. "But do you love her?" He asked.


It was Gwens first day back from suspension. She walked to Algebra 2, and saw Courtney. She turned red with embarassment. Courtney looked up at Gwen. "Hi, Gwen!" Courtney said. Wait shes not.. mad? Gwen smiled. "Hey, Courtney. I just wanted to say sorry. For uh.. you know." Gwen said, looking down at her feet. Courtney grabbed two bathroom passes and grabbed Gwens hand, taking her out the door to talk. "Gwen, Its okay." Courtney smiled. Gwen smiled back. "Thanks."
Courtney turned red. "You know, maybe we can try things like that. Together." Courtney suggested. Gwens jaw dropped in shock. "Wait- seriously?" Gwen asked. Courtney nodded. "Thats.... great." Gwen said. Courtney grinned as she and Gwen leaned in for a kiss. "Im glad," Gwen said. "Im glad, too." Courtney laughed.


Courtney and Gwen made their way back to class as Ms. Roselet explained the new standard Gwen was sure nobody was listening too. When the bell rang, Gwen waved Courtney good bye as Courtney waved goodbye aswell, heading off to her next class. Gwen was in a great mood.
    After a few classes, when the lunch bell rang, Gwen headed off to the cafeteria. She saw oit a few windows and noticed it was raining horribly hard, well, it was Florida. What else could she expect? The building was cold, too. Gwen made her way to the Cafeteria, where every student with D lunch was eating. It was much colder in here. Gwen felt herself shiver a little as she walked farther in, several students drinking and eating as much warm stuff as possible. Gosh, why was it so cold in here? Was it the rain? Gwen sat at her usual spot, where Courtney joined her soon. "Cold, right?" Gwen laughed. Courtney nodded, holding and extra hoodie besides the one she was wearing, which read: Lawyer In The Making. Gwen stiffled a laugh as Courtney handed her a midnight blue hoodie that read: Tampa Bay Comicon 2017. Gwen put it on, snuggling in its warmth. "Thanks." She smiled at Courtney, who nodded. There was sioence between them while the other students were a little bit too loud. Gwen grabbed Courtneys hand, and Courtney simply held back. Bridgette walked up to them and sat down, Geoff at her side. There was silence. "Hey, guys." Geoff said. Courtney waved her free hand, meanwhile Gwen didnt respond. "Nice hoodies." Bridgette complimented. Gwen and Courtney said "Thanks," at the same time, grinning at eachother. "So, what did you guys vote for in the graduation trip?" Geoff asked. Gwen shrugged. "I havent voted. What are the options?" She questioned. She had completely forgotten about that vote. "Las Angelas, Las Vegas, The Big Apple, Long Beach, Washington, Australia, Scotland." Geoff said, looking up from his paper. Courtney nodded. "Whichever gets the most is the graduation trip, the students are divided into groups of four and thats pretty much who they share a room with. Yeah, Its really expensive." Courtney shrugged. "Ill vote for whatever you guys want." Courtney grabbed a frozen yogurt and threw it away. It was too cold for those. Gwen thought. Bridgette thought. Geoff thought.
"Las Vegas"
"Long Beach"
"Las Angelas"
Courtney blinked. "Las Vegas it is-" she began before being interrupted. "Not fair," Geoff noted. Courtney rolled her eyes. "But it sounds nice!" She argued. Geoff scoffed. "You? Las Vegas? Oh, please, Courtney. We all know you want Washington and you'll probably be the only person to vote for it." Geoff sighed. "You only want Vegas because thats what Gwen said."
Courtney frowned. There was silence. More silence. Gosh this was awkward. Soon Heather came to with them. "Hi, best friend!!" Heather smiled.
Courtney rolled her eyes. "Hi." Said Bridgette. Heather looked at Bridgette. "Im not talking to you. Im talking to Gwen." She said. Gwen blinked. "I heard you guys talking about your votes! Im definetly picking Las Vegas.." Heather grinned again, like a hyena. "Why?" Asked Gwen skeptically. Geoff and Bdidgette got up and left. "Because, it sounds good." Heather explained. "Now SCP, can we have a chat to your office?" Asked Heather. Courtney knew she couldnt really say no for no reason, so she had to. "Okay.." Courtney got up and left, kissing Gwens hand gently
before letting go of it. Gwen only watched them from afar as they made their way from the cafeteria and soon could be seen no more. A few moments lateer, Courtney came back, Heather going back to her original table. Courtney sat by Gwen again. "What did she do?" Asked Gwen. "She tried to start a Gwen Lovers Fanclub." Sighed Courtney.  Gwen laughed. "Why?" She asked. Courtney shrugged. "To piss us off." Said Courtney. Courtneys phone buzzed. Most students phone buzzed. Courtney checked the notification. CODYKINSSIERRA uploaded one photo. Courtney tapped on it, to reveal a picture of Gwen and her kissing this same morning. "Shit," said Gwen. Alot of eyes were on them.

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