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    Everyone in art blinked at Gwen. "We threw the requests away." Blurted Lindsay, her face with a big red X on it. Gwen smiled. "Thanks," she said. "I like your hoodie," Said the guy with the guitar case. Gwen smiled. "Thanks. I like it, too." She knew it sounded silly, but it wasnt a lie. The guy smiled, too. "My names Trent." He said. Gwen nodded. "Im Gwen." She began folding a blue piece of paper. "I know." He laughed. "Everyone does." Oops. Gwen forgot about all that Sierra stuff. "Oh. I guess so, then." She created several folds, eventually forming a ghost. Trent looked at it. "Nice." He noted. Gwen nodded. "I made one, too." He picked up a small brown hummingbird. Gwen nodded. "Its cool." She said. Trent smiled. "Switch?" He asked hopefully. Gwen shook her head. "I wanted to give this to someone. Sorry." She sighed. Trent nodded. "Who?" He questioned. Gwen looked up. "Courtney Barlow." She answered. Trent nodded. "Yeah, shes cool. You know, Im partners with her alot in Debate. She loves to talk about how smart you are and stuff." Trent grinned. "She probably likes you." He said. Gwen held back a laugh. "Uh yeah.. how much have you seen about me on Sierra's blog?" Gwen asked. Trent shrugged. "I dont have social media, I actually just heard people calling you Gwen." He nervously admitted."Oh." Said Gwen, finally undertanding. "Well... Me and Courtney are together. Thats probably why you think she likes me." Gwen shrugged. Trents eyes widened. "Wait, your close with Courtney Barlow?" He seemed shocked. He read the words on her hoodie. "Oh, shit. That makes sense." He still seemed shocked. "Shes basically the second princaple in this school. People love her." Trent said. "Most do, atleast." He added. Gwen nodded. She checked the time and got up, ready to leave as she had to pack because tommorow was the first part of the SC Flroida Tour. They were visiting in Orlando. Courtney had said that her friend Emma would be sharing a room with them. Gwen didnt really mind. Gwen grabbed her stuff, wincing when her backpack weighed down her wrist as she slung it over her shoulder. She waved bye to Trent and left the class, walking down to the first floor and going to the parking lot. She started her car and drove away. When she got home, she knew her parents werent there, they never were. She made oatmeal and ate it, grabbing her black suitcase. It had several stickers on it, she hooed shed be able to add new ones. She knew the trip was three nights long.. so she packed enougn clothes, some books, PJS, and some other hobbies. She texted Courtney to tell her she'd finished, in which Courtney replied with I packed One month ago. Too soon? Gwen laughed. Courtney was always ahead.

Courtney dragged her stuff onto the bus, sitting near the back. The rest of student council had also invited guests. Courtney got out a book and began to read. When Gwen got onto the bus, she sat next to Courtney. "Hi!" Said Courtney. "Hey." Greeted Gwen, looking over at the book. "Whats it about?" She asked. Courtney shrugged. "I dont know.. its just some book I grabbed at the library." She closed it and put it away, looking out the window. Gwen got out her phone. She knew this bus ride was about an hour long- so she began to watch some episodes on Netflix.


Courtney looked out the window as the bus slowed and everyone got up. "Were here!" Courtney said excitedly. Gwen nodded. "Never wouldve guessed." She sighed. Courtney laughed a little, grabbing her stuff as they walked to everyone walked to the hotel. Emma came up to them. "Hey, guys!" She said, smiling. Gwen waved nervously while Courtney waved, "Hello!" Enthusiatically. There was silence as Courtney and Emma listened to directions and went into the hotel, grabbing their keys, and found the room. They all put their stuff down. The bus had left a few hours afterschool, so it was quiet late. The plan was to visit the all famous "Disney Springs" (Gwen regretted coming on the trip just with that name) before they went to sleep, as Disney Springs was free, and if they got tired, they could leave. The latest they were allowed fo stay in the park was 10 PM It was 7 PM right now as Gwen, Courtney and Emma walked through the streets of Disney Springs. Gwen was holding onto Courtneys hand as they all walked into a shop. There were several shirts featuring Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse., "Lets all get matching shirts. Ill pay." Courtney didnt wait for a response, she grabbed a blue shirt for Gwen, an orange one for Emma, and a brown one for herself. She quickly payed and handed them the shirts. Gwen sighed. "You dont have to use it if you dont want." Said Courtney. Emma shook her head. "But you spent 40 dollars on these, it would be a complete waste if she didn't." Emma noted. Courtney frowned. "Its not too much. If she dosent like it, she dosent have to use it." Courtney said. Emma sighed. Gwen looked at the shirt. "Ill use it, its okay." She said as the three checked the time- 8 PM. "Lets go back, Im tired." Said Emma. Gwen looked at her. "Its only 8 PM." She never went to bed until 3 herself. Or later. Emma shook her head. "Well Im going back." She walked off. "Emma! The directions were to stay with the group." Said Courtney. "I need to find us dinner." She walked through the streets and found a resturant that looked like a volcano. "Yep, this should do-" she walked in. They all sat down and got their food. (After 2 hours of waiting.) And left after paying. "That was good." Gwen wasnt always a food person, but it had been super good. Emma frowned. "Nonsense. The pasta tasted basic." She said. Courtney caught up to the two, as they were walking quite fast. "Okay- we are late- so we need to go back to the hotel.

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