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Gwen awoke the next morning tired, she had done every little thing her mother had asked, and her mother didnt even say anything when she left. Or any of her family. Courtney was the only one who did. "Bye, Gwen! Dont forget about the sleepover at my place with Kitty, Emma, Lindsay, Bridgette, and Geoff-" and the kissed her on the cheek with a "Love you!" And slipped out the door.
Gwen had already packed, today was Friday, which everyone had off for school for Fall Break. She was going to drive to Courtney's house once she was done with her share of food contribution. She was in charge of candy. Candy, of all things! She had chosen popular candies like chocolate, gummies, shittles- uh, skittles, and other stuff. She got her own bag just for her, unless someone else there liked black liquorish. Probably not. She finished packing the large sectioned bowl. One section with chocloate, another with gummies, twix, skittles, that sort of stuff. The third was filled with nerds and nerd gummies, and the fourth had marshmallows. She sealed the bowl, grabbed her bags, car keys, and left. She got in her black car, turning it on and driving to Courtneys house. When she arrived she knocked and heard Courtney come up to the door. She opened. "Hi, Gwen!" She smiled, grabbing the bowl of candy and placing it on the dinner table. She wrapped her arms around Gwens neck and kissed her, clearly excited for the sleepover. She pulled away a few moments later when she heard loud knocks at the door. "Hello!" Courtney welcomed Geoff and Bridgette, followed by Kitty and Emma. They all greeted back as everyone began to place their food on the counter. "So- wheres Lindsay?" Asked Gwen after a while. Courtney shrugged. "What was she in charge of? Ohh! The chips and salsa, right. Just then, someone knocked on the door. "Hello!" Courtney welcomed, pulling it open. Lindsay smiled. "Hey, Courtyard! OMG! Hi, Geniveve! Hi, Cat! Hi, Jemma! Hey, Brinlett! Hello, Jiffs!" She walked in with two suitcases. Everyone exchanged confused glances. Kitty had been the one who insisted Lindsay tagged along aswell, and she came up to Lindsay. "Heyyyy! Wheres the chips and dip?" She asked, smiling as Lindsay blinked. "I wasnt in charge of chocolate chips or dots." She frowned. Courtney sighed. "Okay Kitty. Thats exactly why I made both of you do chips and dip, because I pretty much knew this would happen." Courtney said, looking at Kitty's bowl of Chips and Salsa sitting beside a bowl with fruit punch. "Lets play a game." Geoff suggested. Bridgette nodded in agreement, in which Emma groaned. "Lets play hide and seek! Okay? Lindsay, your the seeker!" Kitty smiled. Lindsay smiled back but then rushed over to pat Gwens head. "Tag, your it!" She smiled. Gwen exchanged confused glances with Kitty. "No, Lindsay, were playing hide and seek." Gwen corrected as Lindsay gasped. "Ooooooooh! One.. two.. three-" everyone scattered quickly. Gwen had been followed by Lindsay, who seemed to not know that she was supposed to close her eyes.
Geoff, Bridgette, Courtney, Gwen, and Emma sat by the tv, trying to choose a movie they all agreed on. "Lets watch a Sitcom or Comedy!" Geoff insisted, eyes on the Comedy movie section on Netflix. "Uh, No! Were going to watch a documentary, right, Courtney?" Emma asked skeptically. Everyone groaned disapointedly. Kitty and Lindsay were sleeping under the dining table, Lindsay covered in salsa. "Or a romance movie!" Suggested Bridgette. "Or a horror- or thriller-" Gwen influenced. Courtney shrugged. "I hate comedys, Documentarys are pretty boring, romance is pretty convenient. Horror sounds oka-"
"Can you stop being biased and do this fairly?" Geoff frowned. Courtney frowned. "I hate to pick teams, but hes right." Bridgette agreed. Gwen rolled her eyes. Courtney picked up the remote. "Okay. I'm going to pick what I want to watch, then." She picked up the remote and clicked on a random movie, titled Level 16. Everyone groaned except Courtney, quite pleased with her actions.  
Geoff and Bridgette got up to drive somewhere and pick up the pizzas they ordered. "Well be back." They promised as they through left the door. Courtney watched the screen, quite intrigued. Gwen was pretty intrigued. It seemed, by luck, Courtney randomly chose something right up her lane. The movie was about girls in a boarding school (who had been born there) and were living there their whole lives until they reach level 16 (the age of 16 was what Gwen assumed was represented) but the odd part was the girls didnt learn anything. All they did was wash their faces and take vitamins. And if they didnt they would be taken by gaurds who would drag them away. The girls are told that they would be adopted by families and go outside for the first time in Level 16, but something is definetly messed up, because one girl stopped taking the vitamins and discovered that this wasnt a boarding school at all. Gwen was quite entertained. Courtney was scared of some parts. Eventually they hit the climax when Bridgette and Geoff came in and saw a very, very disturbing image, followed by the sounds of a loud Courtney scream, and Bridgette gasp. "Oh, toughen up, guys, Its not that bad." Gwen said, watching happily. Courtney watched in shock. "Her face. Did they.." she questioned, not finishing the statement. Gwen nodded. "They did." She confirmed. Courtney stared. "I shouldve just put Emmas documentary-" Sh ebegan, interrupted by Emma. "Yes, you shouldve. Ive been looking away from the screen since they said what that gaurd was doing to them." Gwen and Courtney exchanged glances at the mention of that scene. When fhe movie ended, and fhey finished thier food, they talked a little, and drifted off to sleep.

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