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warnings: L G B T Q , L A N G U A G E , C A T   C A L L I N G , M E N T I O N S   O F   S E X U A L    H A R A S S M E N T  ,T H I E V E R Y .  

!if you feel uncomfortable reading just tell me and I'll reply with a summary!

     Gwen knew right away it was Zoey's idea to bring the two of them to the same coffee shop, and kudos to Zoey for that. Gwen was at home, talking with Courtney and Lindsay. "Obviously I told Bell she couldn't eat my popcorn and then Beina said she was fine with it!" Lindsay clapped at the own ending of her story. Gwen and Courtney exchanged confused glances. "Lindsay.. who is Beina and Bell?" Gwen asked. Lindsay raised an eyebrow. "I dont know a Bell or Beina... but I know a Betsy!" She smiled. Courtney laughed. "Rightt. Betsy.." she sighed in amusement. Gwen simply sighed. "Im going to get the mattress set up." She said as she got up to go to the closet. Lindsay and Courtney was sleeping over as it was getting quite late. Courtney sighed as she finished her last laughs. "What other stories do you have, Lindsay?" She asked. Lindsay put her finger on her chin, thinking. "Uhhhh..." she hummed considerately. "There was this time I was walking down the street and some guys on the other side yelled 'Hey Sexy!' To me. What does that mean?" Lindsay frowned. Courtney simply blinked. Well, she wasn't shocked with how some guys act nowadays. "I dont know what it means, Lindsay." Courtney excused. She didn't wsnt to ruin Lindsay's innocent mind, but she wanted Lindsay to be aware. Courtney frowned to herself. Gwen came back, frowning. "I don't have sheets that fit the inflatable mattress." She said. Lindsay smiled. "Yay! Lets go shoppinggggggg!!!" She said excitedly. Gwen groaned. "Lindsay its twelve in the morning. "It is? It's lunch time, anyways!"
"Fine." Gwen gave in, grabbing her keys. Courtney frowned. "Lindsay maybe you should stay." It was not a great day as it was currently December 13th. Courtney knew it was a movie, but maybe some drunk men from a party crashed down onto the streets and could cat call Lindsay. And Lindsay would probably fall for it, so itt'd be risky to bring her. "Dosent that kinda defeat the purpose?" Gwen asked. Courtney shrugged. "She told me that uh.. some men cat called her not too long ago." She whispered the last part. Gwen sighed. "If were careful and make sure she dosen't respond to it, we'll be okay." Courtney considered this. "Alright." She finally accepted as Lindsay calpped excitedly. "Yayy! I love shoppinggg!" She grinned. Gwen opened the door as the three of them left the house and piled into Gwen's car. They parked at a parking near the Big Lots and walked inside. "Look at this cute christmas blanket!" Lindsay smiled right away. Gwen sighed. Taking Lindsay to a store is like taking a kid to Dinsey World. They will take a liking in everything. Gwen slipped her phone out of her jeans to check the time. 12:36 AM It read. Gwen sighed as she brought Lindsay to the blankets and sheets section. "What color?" Gwen asked even though it didnt really matter. "Blue because it matches my eyes!" Lindsay smiled. Gwen picked up the blue ones and grabbed a random blanket, heading to the cashiers as Courtney caught up with them holding gift wrapper. "Now that I'm here I may aswell get some.. and Gwen, I'll pay." Courtney said, stepping infront of Gwen and getting out her wallet. "Court, I came here for stuff for my sleepover-" Gwen began. She stopped when Courtney already swiped. The three of them stepped out of the store, Courtney carrying the bags. They walked over to the parking lot before Courtney got a call. "Hello?" Courtney said into the speaker. "What?" She frowned. "Fuck off, Geoff. I dont care. Call me whatever slurs you want. She hung up soon after that. Gwen frowned. "Dont listen to that bird shit. Your perfect." Gwen tokd Courtney, kissing her cheek. Lindsay danced infront of the two, singing a song. "The pink meams I love moon..!" She sang happily. All three of them turned as a pink car drove past them, splashing them in mud as Geoff's voice shouted: "Taco loving bitch!" As the pink car flew away. Lindsay looked at the mud. "This is super good for the skin." She said. Courtney sighed as Gwen rolled her eyes. "Lets just get to the parking lot and go home." Gwen suggested as the three walked faster. A few men stopped across the street to gawk at them. "Hey, ladies! Looking for thirteen inches?" One of them shouted. Courtney gagged with disgust. Gwen ignored them, and Lindsay called back. "TWELVE INCHES OF WHAT?" She flipped her hair as the guy crossed the street. "Woah, woah." Gwen grabbed Lindsay's wrist and dragged her away from him. The man's eyes wandered down to places of each of them it shouldnt have. Courtney noticed as she stepped back, afraid. Lindsay seemed confused at Gwen's firm grip on her wrist. The man smirked. "I wont hurt you, girls. Just hand me your bags. And I'll go." He insisted as Courtney reached out a bag with wrapping paper. The man reached for it, rubbing her hand while doing so. Lindsay understood now. Gwen wae on the phone. Sirens sounded as the man looked around, dropping the gift wrapper and running off. Courtney picked up the bag as she watched police stop the man and Gwen pocketed her phone. "Thanks, Gwen." Courtney smiled. Lindsay nodded. "Yeah! But you shoukdve called Heater, she would beat the shatty poopoo out of them!" Lindsay smiled as Courtney aggressively applied hand sanitizer to her hand. "He rubbed it." She told Gwen. "Disgusting." Gwen frowned as she grabbed Courtney's hand and they reached the parking lot that had Gwen's car. Except one thing.
Gwens car wasn't there.

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