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    When they reached the hotel, they put on their PJS and got rewdy for bed. Ems had her arm around Courtney, too. They were watching Boo Bitch On Netflix. It was odd, but it wasnt terrible.  Gwen pressed next episode, realizing Courtney had fallen asleep, she plugged in her earbuds. She eventually drifted off to sleep, aswell. When she woke, Emma was getting ready for the museum. Gwen yawned, getting up. "Your finally awake." Emma noted. "If it werent for grumpy Courtney, I wouldve woken you up." Gwen frowned. "Where is Grumpy Courtney anyway?" Asked Gwen, looking around. Emma shrugged. "You mean you lost her?" Gwen raised an eyebrow. Emma sighed. "If you want to put it that way, I lost it. I mean her. I lost her." Emma looked around the room. "Courtneyyyyyyy." She called. Gwen got up. She checked the closet, and under the beds. "Where is she?" Emma said, worry filling her voice. Gwen began to panic a little, picking up her phone and disling Courtney's number straight away. She heard Courtneys phone phone ringing on the bed. But just the phone. "She mustve left it." Gwen noted, picking ip the phone and pocketing it. "Courtney!" Gwen called. She left the hotel room, looking around the halls and knocking on several doors. No Courtney. She rushed out of the hotel. She really was panicking now. "Courtney!" Gwen called one more time. She saw saw two people walking in the distance, one of them alarmed. The alarmed one rushed up to Gwen. "Gwen?" Asked Courtney. Gwen looked up. "Shit! You scared the fuck out of me, Courtney! Never do that again." Gwen yelled. Courtney tilted her head. "I was at a council call-" she began. Gwen shook her head. "No. You shouldve told me! I was so worried, and so was Emma."
Courtney blinked. "Gwen, Im sorry. I did leave a note.. on the window. I guess it was too small.. Ill make it bigger next time. Im sorry." She looked down at the ground and dragged her feet. She cupped Gwens face with her hands and kissed her, pulling away after a few seconds. "I love you." Courtney said. Gwen couldnt help but smile. "Love you, too." Courtney removed her hands when the person shed been walking with, which Gwen knew was red haired Zoey, said something. Courtney told Zoey she would continue this later, before waving bye to her. Courtney caught up with Gwen. They began walking back to the room in silence, hand in hand.
They were on the bus back home. It was awfully late, and all the students were given a dinner to eat on the bus way home. They were all given small foods from Panera Bread, one of the trip sponsers. Gwen was sitting next to Courtney. Alit of the people on the bus had fallen asleep, but Gwen and Courtney watched Netflix on Courtney's laptop, sharing Gwen's earbuds. They were sharing a salad, too. And a half gone flat bread pizza. Courtney was getting a little tired, but she knew Gwen would like to finish the episode. Courtney rested her head on Gwens shoulder. As soon as the clock struck 12 AM, both our eyes shot to the date. October, Friday 13th. Gwen grinned. Courtney did not, snuggling closer to Gwen as she used her scarf as a blanket. She drifted to sleep when she saw the episode was over. Emma was sitting across from them, long asleep. Gwen heard pelts of drops falling on the window. She wouldve leaned to look, but Courtney had the window seat, and she didnt want to wake her. Gwen heard it again, as several people woke up from the sound. It was 1 AM. Emma woke up, scowling. "Stupid rain... woah." Emma gasped. Gwen shot her a questioning look. Emma saw Coirtney sleeping and didnt speak anymore, grabbing an ice pack. Gwen didnt understand. "Shit." Gwen heard other students saying, looking out their windows. Gwen would rather frowned, turning on her phone and checking the weather. Reload to see weather. Her screen read. Gwen tried to, but No Service. Gwen leaned a little bit to see out the window, waking up Courtney. "Its so early.." Courtney mumbled, rubbing her eyes. Gwen looked out the window, the bus ride getting rough. "Thats not rain." She frowned. "Thats hail."

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