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   warning: T H R O W   U P , L G B T Q , D R U G   A D D I C T I O N , N A S U E A

Everyone on the trip woke up early the next morning, ready for the ride they had to take to the educational center of Ocala, a random hotel. "I dont wanna go to a random horse hotel." Kitty complained, spraying perfume. "Its not just any random horse hotel- its the Horse Capital of the World! You know how many people dream of visiting this place?" Courtney scolded, grabbing her own perfume. Kitty rolled her eyes. "Besides, Kitty, ive heard its very lovely in there... dont you want to take pictures of horses? Your followers would love that so much-" She blabbered on as Kitty rolled her eyes, tying in her two pigtails. "Okay, Im readyyyyyyyyyy!" She dragged, mucnhing on chips. "Kitty, are those the chips I gave you last night? Thats extremely unhelath-" Kitty quickly left the hotel room, entering the lobby and gathering with the other students outside near the bus. "Mkarh." Grumbled the bus driver, munching on some gum. "Everyone here?" He chomped. He took attendance, only missing one name: Courtney. Gwen stood by Kitty and Emma, calling Courtney. "Uh.. feminine needs." Gwen told the driver, who rolled his eyes. "Les jus go." He said, starting the bus as everyone got in. "We cant just leave her!" Emma complained as the driver chomped- "Not gonna wait here al day fer' her." The driver said, driving away. Gwen and Emma exchanged upset expressions. Gwen dug into her pocket, digging out a small pill. One more, just to satisfy her stomach. Gwen took it, though the other four paxils in her pocket were calling to her. No. She couldnt take five in less than a minute, that could be extremely dangerous. She did it anyway. Five pills.  She heard calling outside and saw Courtney chasing the bus. The driver stopped, letting her in. "Excuse me, driver, but I am the SCP, therefore the SC cant leave without me." She held her head high, taking a seat by Gwen. "Ready?" She asked excitedly, as the bus began moving again. Gwen nodded, grinning weakly. She wrapped her arm around Courtney, who kossed her. "Gwen." Courtney said, and Gwen flinched a little. "Yeah?" She asked. Courtney frowned. "Your mouth is dry. Like, really dry. Are you okay? Are you dehydrated?" She questioned as Gwen nodded. "Yeah, probably." She replied. They didnt talk for the rest of the ride, as ot was extremely short and they reached it: The World Equestrian Center. Courtney smiled with excitement, dragging Gwen, Emma, and Kitty (who was most hesitant) inside. The first place they went was the bakery, Courtney snapping shots of every single desert. "My photography teacher will be so pleased." She noted. Now they were wandering the hotel outside. Gwen felt felt a pain grow as her head felt a little heavy. She was a little dizzy, too. But just a little. She felt herself knock into Kitty, who was livestreaming. Kitty almost dropped her phone. "Sorry guys! Anyway Im here with Emma, Gwen, and Courtney- in this random ass- in this random hotel." She smiled, showing them all to the viewers. Everyone waved but Gwen. Gwen was too busy trying to stay fpcused on walking. It had become quite a difficult task. She needed to rest.. yes.. she crashed into Emma now, Courtney looking at her a little confused. "Are you okay?" She asked, and Gwen nodded. "Just tired." Not true. Gwen knew why she felt this way. And she felt the pile up of mush insode her mouth as she ran into the nearest restroom. Courtney stopped walking in confusion. "Gwen? Gwen!" She called, knocking on the door to the portable bathroom. "Gwen are you alright?" She called, knocking more. She only heard coughing and throw up reaching the toilet. Other SC members were gathering now, their noses invading Courtneys business. Coirtney frowned at all of them. "This is private. Go back to wandering the hotel." She bossed them as they walked off, confused. Gwen stepped out of the stall. Courtney smiled. "Gwen, your okay!" She cheered. But Gwen didnt respond, keeping balanced. "Woah." Said Kitty, her live still on, nosy  comments popping up quickly on her screen. She turned off the stream, shutting off her phone. "What happened?" She asked, looking at Gwen and Courtney. Emma was standing behind them in shock. "Nothing Gwen answered, feeling her stomachs desire for more. She looked around. Maybe someone here had some. This would be the last time, though. Because these arent really good for her. Courtney watched. She knew what this was. She had read an article saying to make certain drugs illegal, and alot of them had side affects similar to this. And Gwen had taken a pill on the bus.. it looked like.. smal and colorful. Oh. Paxil. Courtney's dad used to take that one. It was for depression and anxiety.. but.. the side affects. Suicidal desire, confusion and energy loss, appetite loss. Courtney looked at Gwen. That was before Gwen dropped to the floor.

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