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warnings: L G B T Q , L A N G U A G E , V I O L E N C E , A N G S T

    It was winter break. Gwen was at Courtney's house, sitting on the couch watching a horror movie while Courtney made popcorn. Gwen heard the microwave start before her phone beeped. Gwen picked it up.

10:47 PM   SAT, DEC 17

Gwen clicked on it with curiousity. She watched as the video began to play.

"Hi, guys. It's Sierra. And I have more drama, this one goes out to Gwen Ingrid. So, I was sent pictures of her diary. Heres what it says on her first day at this highschool. 'I can't believe I'm forced to go here, this Heather seems like she is gonna be an issue. Atleast I made a potential friend, Courtney. Shes really straight forward.' And the day after that. 'Is it bad to crush on someone after two damn days?' I think we all know who that someone was. Now lets skip to her most recent entry. Yesterday. 'I fucking hate this city. Everyone in it. I miss home. I wish coming here never happened, and it's been the worst part of my life. Especially Courtney. She's so annoying. I wish she could leave me alone.' That's going to leave a stab in someone's heart! Bye, my friends."

Gwen had to blink a few times to believe it. The first two she remembered. But that last one. No, she had lost her diary days before that. She didn't write that. She only rhen realized Courtney was right behind her. "Court-" Gwen began. "I know. I know that wasn't you. You just told me yeseterday you lost your diary.. and before that you let me read all your diary entries. I know you wouldn't hide something like that from me." Courtney picked up the phone. "It's Sierra, I bet." She saw Gwen frowning. "People are going to hate me! All my friends- everyone." Gwen sighed. Courtney thought for a moment. "I know what we'll do. But you have to listen, okay? We-re going to go along with it. So that the person who wrote that thinks what Sierra's video effected us. Change your bio." Courtney instructed as Gwen nodded. She picked up her phone and opened Instagram, deleting her bio- Taken🖤- To Single. Courtney did the same on her phone. "I'm going to start posting sad stuff and acting upset at school." Courtney told Gwen. Gwen nodded. "I will, too."
"Were doing this because it might get Sierra to leave us alone, okay? We can be normal when we aren't around kids from school. And please, dont tell anyone." Courtney informed as Gwen nodded once more. "I won't. What do we do now?" Gwen asked. Courtney frowned. "I guess we watch the movie." Courtney sighed  before her phone beeped again.
11:01 PM SAT, DEC 17

A party invite popped up when Courtney clicked it. "A christmas party!" Courtney said. "We should go! Together, but.. hidden? Like- we both go but we dont talk when someone is near us." Courtney suggested. Gwen sighed. "When is it?"
"In an hour."
Courtney rolled her eyes. "Please?"
"Fine, but you owe me." Gwen said, getting up. She was wearing a black and blue chekered sweater and black ripped jeans. That was fine.. she didn't have time to go change. Courtney wore a brown hoodie and a grey skirt.  "Does this match?" Courtney frowned, looking at her clothes. "I think you look great, but the colors don't really match... Maybe but on a grey headband to balance it out?" Gwen suggested as Courtney nodded and grabbed a grey headband from her bathroom. "Weve got forty minutes. Remember the plan? This is to make people think Sierra's video worked. And then she'll leave us alone. Okay?"
"Alright, lets go."


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