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warnings: A r r e s t , L a n g u a g e , V i o l e n c e , L G B T Q +

   The Culprit. Gwen tried her best to find whoever did this awful thing and narrowed it down to two people she would talk to today. Heather and Geoff. It was common sense that one of those two would do something like this, especially with the running history they had with Courtney. Gwen walked through the halls, as she passed the chorus room, she heard lovely melodies of Christmas Joy. As she passed the Event Plan room, she heard Emma and Courtney arguing. As she passed the art room, where she was supposed to be, she heard Katie and Sadie singing horribly inside. Gwen finally reached the library, and her eyes immediantly went to Heather. Heather's eyes wandered over to Gwen aswell as she furrowed her eyebrows. "What, Gothy?" Heather asked as Gwen reached her. "Where were you December seventh at 4 PM?" Gwen asked, hiding her anger and hatred for Heather. Heather sighed. "I was at school. Studying for the mid-term exams. Is that it?" She asked, narowing her eyes. Gwen shook her head. "No, its not. What did you do when you went home?" Gwen interrogated as Heather scoffed. "I fucking shoved a fucking pizza in the fucking oven to fucking eat. And it was fucking good." Heather answered, clearly annoyed. "And after that?" Gwen raised an eyebrow. Heather rolled her eyes. "Look, Gwen, I may not like Courtney but both you and I know I wouldn't murder her mom. I'm mean, not evil."  Heather stayed quiet after that before going back to her homework. Gwen sighed as she left the library. That was not useful at all. Maybe it had been Geoff? Gwen sighed as she walked down the halls and felt someone tap her shoulder. A girl with blonde hair and green eyes.
"What?" Gwen asked, not exactly happy to see Bridgette. Bridgette looked down at her feet, tears in her eyes. "Im so, so, so sorry..." she sniffled. Gwen raised an eyebrow, confused. "I had to. Everyone was so mad at Geoff and I had to drag attention away from that. But it was wrong. I hate myself. How could I do that to Courtney? How? Im so sorry..." Bridgette cried, sobbing now. Gwen knew now. It hadn't been Heather or Geoff. It was Bridgette. "SHUT UP! SORRY DOSENT DO ANYTHING, YOU FUCKING MURDERER!" Gwen yelled, anger piling inside her. She thought Bridgette was nice. But no. Bridgette is a murderer. Gwen stepped back, dialing 911. "No, Gwen, please, no, wait- PLEASE!" Bridgette begged, reaching for Gwen. "GET OFF ME!" Gwen said, stepping back as she pressed call. "I FOUND THE PERSON WHO PULLED THE PLUG OF MRS. BARLOW. YES. WAWANAKWA HIGH. HURRY." Gwen hung up as Bridgette sobbed and screamed. "NO! PLEASE! TAKE IT BACK! PLEASE! GWEN, PLEASE! YOU DONT KNOW! PLEASE!!" Bridgette begged more and more, but Gwen only looked at her in absolute disgust. There were students recording everywhere. Cops arrived, taking Bridgette by two arms. "Were going to cuff you." The cop said, cuffing Bridgette's hands and dragging her away as Bridgette screamed and begged. "NO! PLEASE! NO! TELL HIM I HATE HIM! IT'S HIS FAULT! NO!!" Bridgette's voice became inaudible soon after as the sound of sirens did aswell. Lots of students were traumatized, standing there in shock. Teachers were aswell. "Everyone leave. School is over. For a week. Have yourselves some ptime to recover." One princaple said. The other princaple was gawking excitedly. "That was awesome. Perfect drama for a TV show-" but he got hit in the head by the other princaple as students called their parents, began walking home, or got to their cars. Gwen found Courtney crying next to Zoey. "Gwen." Courtney cried when she saw Gwen's black boots. Gwen felt her hesrt sink as she hugged Courtney, feeling herself begin to cry. "She's not in the school anymore. She can't hurt you anymore." Gwen comforted, trying to hide more tears. She failed. She was crying. Courtney pulled from the hug. "I- I think I want some alone time. I'll.. call you, okay?" She walked off without another word, still sobbing as her car turned on and drove away. Gwen turned to look at Zoey, who was frowning. "I'm glad they got Bridgette. And thanks for calling the police.. nobody wants a murderer in the school." Zoey said, tapping her foot. "I think Courtney is super lucky to have someone like you. I dont mean it that way, though. Obviously. I have Mike, so dont worry about it." Zoey smiled. Gwen nodded. "Yeah. Thanks." She wiped her tears. Zoey nodded. "We should talk more." She suggested. Gwen nodded, and gave Zoey her instagram user. "Just use that. Can't remember my number right now." Gwen frowned. Zoey pocketed the user and looked down at her feet. "I think I need to go find Mike." Zoey said as walked off. Gwen wasn't sure about lots of things right now. But she knew one thing. It wasn't exactly a great thing, but she was beginning to question Bridgette's confession.

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