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  warnings: L A N G U A G E , C O D Y

  Gwen enetered the school the next day. Her first day of senior had begun one minute and 14 secounds ago. Gwen squeezed through the crowd and into Algebra 2, gasping for air when she arrived. The teenagers were talking while the teacher gathered everybodys schedules. Gwen walked to a desk, settling her bag down. "Hi!" Said a hyper voice as Gwen turned around. A girl with fluffy orange hair and green eyes stood there, energy bursting through her as she jogged in place. "I'm Izzy! And thats my super nice girlfriend Eva. Were friends now! Best friends!" Izzy declared, still jogging as Eva pulled her away. "Contain yourself, Izzy." Eva sighed, dragging a bright Izzy with her.
     Well. This officially is the weirdest school there possibly could be. Things couldnt possibly get any worse, actually, weirder, than they are right now. Gwen thought as she heard a bright voice behind her.
"Hi! Im Cody!"
    Awh fuck irony. Gwen thought as she spun around. "Hi." She said. Cody smiled. "Your the girl who has beef with Heather, right?" He asked. Gwen sighed. She didnt know that many kids were watching. It was only a kiddy argument, they hadnt even physically fought. "I wouldnt call it beef-" She began as someone interrupted her. "No, it was totally a fight!" Said a girl with a pink and purple braid down her back. "I have it recorded on my phone! And its on my Tiktok, Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter- Oops, I mean X-" The girl was interrupted by Gwen. "No offense, but I dont really care." Gwen sighed, watching the girl drag Cody to a desk next to her. Lots of chatter was in the room. Suddenly a tan girl with freckles along her nose and short hair came up to me. "Hello. Are you new? I'm the  Student Council President, Courtney Barlow." She said. Gwen glares. "Yes, Im new, but I dont really give a shit about your position." Gwen scoffed, obviously annoyed. Courtney sighed. "Yeah, okay. But weve got, like, four classes together so we might aswell get along." She said, a hopeful glint in her eyes. "I dont care. I dont like teachers pets anyways, no matter how many classes I have- How do you know my schedule!?" Gwen asked, confused. Courtney's eyes trailed to the girl with a pink and purple braid. "You know what- I dont even care anymore." Gwen sighed. "Im not interested in being friends with a teachers pet, if thats who you are."
Gwen opened her bag and grabbed a notebook. Courtney sat down at the desk next to her. The teacher came in. "Hi. I'm Ms. Roselet." Said the teacher, sitting at her desk as students began to get seated. "I know this is Senior year and everybody in here knows me from last year, but we have a new senior. We dont normally get new students besides Freshmans, so I have decided we welcome her! Shes from.." Ms. Roselet trailed off, expecting Gwen to fill in the blank. "Well, I was born in Italy. Then we moved to Australia. Then London. Then Canada, after that we tried Greece. Now this shithole- I mean, uh, place." Gwen said. Ms. Roselet nodded. "Interesting! Im sure you know lots about the world. Where do you miss the most?" Asked Ms. Roselet. Gwen didnt miss any. "Australia," Gwen said, not really thinking. "Okay." Said Ms. Roselet. "So, I was thinking we get into pairs of two and write down some places you'd like to visit." Ms. Roselet smiled, "As we dont have any field trips planned and itd be nice to know what you guys think. Besides the graduation trip of course, but thats obvious. Alright, get in pairs!" Ms. Roselet said cheerfully. Courtney looked hopefully at Gwen. "Fine." Said Gwen. Courtney grinned. "Where would you want to go?" She asked. Gwen thought for a moment. Well, anywhere nice.. but Las Angelas sounded cool. "Las Angelas, I guess." Gwen shrugged. Courtney nodded. "Sounds nice! I want to visit.. hmm.. Washington!" Courtney concluded. Gwen sighed. She shouldve known the answer. Gwen looked up to see a mosquito buzzing around them. She flapped her hand at it, trying to get it to go away. Courtney watched in amusement as Gwen's sleeve pulled to see a few scars on her wrist. Courtney gasped as Gwen put her arm down nervously. "Why are there scars? Gwen, are you okay?" She asked. Gwen nodded. "Its nothing," Gwen said. "Are you sure?" Courtney worried. "Yes." Answered Gwen.  Courtney began"Really sur-" but Gwen got annoyed. "BACK OFF! YOU JUST MET ME, ITS NONE OF YOUR DAMN BUSINESS!"

The whole class glared and Gwen didnt react as the pink and purple braided girl snapped some pictures.

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