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☆So Geoff is a total bitch in here, ik. Just how he is in this AU.

warnings: L G B T Q , L A N G U A G E , S L I G H T    S E X U A L    R E F E R A N C E S

The sun was shining when Gwen woke up, and she was sitting on the sofa, the Television still running random Netflix shows. Courtney was in the kitchen, preparing what smelled like waffles, for everyone who sat at the table. Everyone had already been awake, but, Gwen was very overdue for a goodnight sleep. Gwen got up, rubbing her eyes as she walked over to the table. "Woah." Said Geoff. Kitty nodded. "I didnt know you were capable of sleeping until ten in the morning." Geoff finished as Lindsay smiled and waved. "Hi, Geniveve." She said. Gwen frowned. "Im just as capable of sleeping, actually-" She responded before loud beeping came from the kitchen. "Sorry!" Courtney called. "That was the juicer..." she said, popping more strawberries into the juicer. Emma was going over a rule book for polite behavior, showing Kitty things she needed to work on every once in a while. Bridgette was kissing Geoff. Gwen sometimes wondered what would happen if their teeth fell out during one of these sessions... but decided prehaps it would be better not to know.
    Courtney came out of the kitchen with a tray holding six nicely decorated and made plates of Waffles, noticing Gwen, her face lit up. "Good morning, Gwen!" She smiled, placing each plate down infront of everyone. She sat in a chair by Gwen's. "Good morning." Gwen smiled back, leaning in for a kiss. When the two pulled apart, Kitty made an odd high pitched noise. "Can people stop kissing? Its weird." She said. Geoff and Bridgette ignored her, and Courtney turned a bright shade of red. "Sorry." She said. Gwen rolled her eyes. Kitty was only a junior, so it wasnt a huge shocker. Courtney bit her waffle, gagging. "Kitty.. who do you take interest in?" Asked Courtney, and Emma suddenly seemed all ears. "Yeah, Kitty." Emma grinned. Kitty blinked. "Nobody! Im only fifteen-" she laughed. Emma scowled before sending Kitty a "Im watching you" sign with her hands skeptically before going back to her book. Bridgette broke away from Geoff. "Oh mmm, Geoff, I need to use the bathroom, mm." Bridgette barely got out through breaths, rushing to the restroom. "Those noises." Kitty said, her eyes wide. "Keep it PG, Geoff." Emma snapped. "Me? What about those two?" He said, pointing to Courtney and Gwen. "How can you even compare them to you and Bridgette?" Emma scowled. Gwen nodded. "Me and Courtney dont moan at eachother." Gwen raised an eyebrow. "As far as we know." Geoff said. "We do not!" Courtney said. "Its extremely immature and unnesscary-" She continued on. Lindsay peeked her head from behind her phone. "Hey, what noises are you guys talking about?" She asked. Kitty sighed. "Happy noises." She explained. "Oh! Okay." Lindsay smiled, going back to her phone. "Anyway, how could you compare me and Gwen to you and Bridgette? You probably had to chew your tongue to stop yourself from asking Bridgette if you can go to the bathroom, too." Courtney frowned. Gwen nodded in approval. Geoff rolled his eyes. "Atleast Bridgette isnt Emo." He scoffed. Gwen narrowed her eyes. Courtney shot up from her chair. "Gwen is not emo! Shes goth, which is a style that originates from the midevil dark ages. So go fuck yourself, Geoff!" Courtney snapped. Kitty blinked in amusement as her notification sound went off and she missed her Bereal, still gawking. Lindsay's jaw was to the floor. Emma was smiling, proud. Gwen simply nodded, also proud. "Okay, man, its not that serious, take a chill, Courtney." Geoff frowned. Courtney sat down. "That was awesome!" Kitty squeled. Courtney tilted her head, confused. "What?"
    "You fought back." Gwen answered. Courtney blinked. "Oh. Ive always had that in me. That fire. Heather brought it out of me, to be honest. With all that gossip, I snapped at her. She said she was proud, and that it really brought out my heatherside. I dont know what that means, but whatever." She shrugged. Geoff frowned. "Make sure Gwen dosent bring out your GwenSide then," He critisized. Kitty frowned. "Look, guys, lets, uh... play truth or dare!" She suggested, trying to avoid unneeded drama. Emma plugged in her earbuds. "What's your problem?" Courtney said, getting up. Geoff got up, too. "I dont know, you show up with Gwen randomly and date her and now you barely hang out with me or Bridge anymore. Thats just really shitty." He fought back. Courtney scowled. "So your mad because I love my girlfriend?" Courtney retarted. Gwen shook her head. "This isnt nesscary, Courtney. It's fine." She tried to convince, and failed. Geoff scoffed. "Im mad you got her out of nowhere and hang with her more than your middle school friends!" He yelled. "Your one to talk." Emma murmered. Geoff turned to Emma. "Stay out of this." He said angrily. Courtney fought tears. "Well if you hate my relationships so much then LEAVE! Because Its my relationship, and Im not going to givd it up because your being an asshole about it. So if thats what your going to do, the door is there." Courtney pointed across the room to an off-white door. Geoff turned to walk out. "Fine." He surendered, walking away and slamming the door. Bridgette walked out of the bathroom. "Sorry I took so long, what did I miss?" She asked. Lindsay smiled. "Yeah, what did she miss?" Lindsay asked.

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