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warnings: L A N G U A G E , H O M O   R E F E R E N C E S

    Lunch. Gwen found her way to the lunch room, and through the lunchline where a hunchbacked angry looking man stood, serving weird food. Note to self- pack lunch.
    Gwen sat by herself on the corner of the lunch table, not touching the food. Or whatever it was.
She really was hungry, but of course that weird chef was serving weird food.
    After about five minutes, somebody came up to her and sat across from her. Gwen looked up to see Courtney. How annoying was she? Gwen glared at her. "I told you, im not interested in any friendhip you have to offer and you should mind your own damn business." She snarled. Courtney looked at her. "I just wantnto say Im sorry for being nosy. It wasnt my business. Im sorry, Gwen."
    Normally Gwen didnt accept apologies, but she did seem really sorry. "Okay, whatever."

They stayed in silence.
     "You look hungry." Courtney said finally. "Here, I packed a lunch. You can have it." She smiled.
Gwen blinked. "Really? Are you sure? What about you?" Gwen knew nobody really wanted to eat this food besides that large blonde kid a few tables ahead of her who had already gobbled it up.
"Yeah, of course! I'm okay, I'll just eat when I get home." Courtney said. Gwen took the lunchbox and began to eat a sandwhich. "Thanks," Gwen smiled. Courtney smiled back, and for a few moments they only looked into eachothers eyes. Then Gwen couldmfeel her wrist scars burning and grabbed them in pain. "Oh, Gwen- Do you want me to get you a nurse?" Courtney asked, but Gwen stopped her. "No! No, stay here with me." Gwen said. She had no idew what got jnto her saying that, but Courtney sat back down and grabbed Gwen's wrist and massaged it. The pain faded away. Okay, this might be really damn weird, but Gwen didnt pull her wrist from Courtneys hand. She left it there. She felt safe. Courtney stayed silent as Gwen calmed down. "Thank you," Gwen said. She adjusted Courtney's grip on her wrist so that they were holding hands. Courtney noticed, and smiled. Of course, a tall tower began towering over them, it was so tall it may need to watch out for planes. Okay. That was wrong, no more 9/11 jokes. Oops. Wait, thats Heather. Not a tower. Simple mistake. "Oh hey, Courtney. Didn't know you talked to weirdos like her, let alone held their hands." Heather said. Courtney kept her grip on Gwen's hand firm. "Heather, shes not weird. Shes nice!" Courtney defended, but Heather cackled. "She had the fight with me, remember? Ive known you since 8th grade?"
      "Heather I met you in Sophomore year." Courtney sighed. Gwen swallowed her laugh. Heather rolled her eyes. "Still a long time. Why dont you sit with me and the others instead?" Heather questioned as Courtney shook her head. "I can sit wherever I want, Heather. Just leave us   alone." Courtney sighed, clearly not wanting to fight with anybody. Heather frowned. "Us? Courtney, Im your damn girlfriend. You should sit with me when I want you to, and not hold hands with other girls."
      Oh shit. Courtney has a girlfriend. Gwen let go of Courtneys hand and Courtney looked at her, confused. "Oh so now your upset because she let go? Terrible she did and you didnt." Heather sighed. "One more of these stupid things and its over!" Heather dramatically walked away. Courtney got up. "Im so sorry- Ill see you later, okay?" Courtney said as she followed Heather.
       Its damn weird Gwen hated Heather even more now. She was so controlling! Even Gwen could do better. Okay, that was super weird. Gwen blushed at the thought. But then Heather realized Gwen had Courtneys lunch. "You shared your lunch with her? Thats it! Its over." Heather said and Courtney sat there, tears in her eyes. "Heather, wait!" Courtney called, but Heather didnt listen.


      Gwen had to admit she felt pretty bad. She hadnt gone up to Courtney or seen her since lunch. Gwen was glad Heather had broken up with Courtney for.. reasons.. like Courtneys health! Right, that relationship looked dirty as possible. But she didnt really care for any other reasons. This day had been weird enough. If one more weird thing happened, Gwen would loose it.

"Hi again, Gwen! Its me! Cody!"

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