1. Walking home

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The best thing about The Hanger, it's only a few blocks from my apartment. So when I get shitty drunk like I always do when I drink, I can walk home. I don't live in a bad neighborhood, and the streets are never quiet. I can be all alone but never alone ya know? That is what I'm doing now, walking home, plastered. I started a drinking every weekend after the douche bag thought he could hit on another girl in the same room as me. Like Shelly wouldn't tell me what she saw? Shelly is my best friend ever. She offered to kick his ass, but instead I confronted him, and broke it off right then and there. That was the worst night of my life. I broke up with the guy I thought I really had something good with, got shitty drunk, and broke my heel on my favorite pair of shoes on the way home.

I know what your thinking. My life is awesome. It must be, because I constantly feel like someone is watching me, and it sure isn't god. Right this moment I have that same feeling, and I am sooo drunk. I turned around to look over my shoulder but all I see is the same boring street, lit up by lamp posts and car headlights. There are a few people walking around, but no one paying attention to little old wobbly me. The world is spinning in my stilettos as I continue on my path to my bed. The warm air hits my legs and I pulled down my short skirt. I stumbled a little but catch myself before I do a face plant. "Fucking shit." Note to self, don't wear stilettos drunk. I see the steps of my apartment building and do a happy dance, on the inside. Don't dance in heals drunk, it is a terrible idea.

I manage to get inside with difficulty only to find a note on the elevator I can barely read. Double vision is my worst enemy right now. I make out the words "out of order" and can't help but to comment out loud. "Are you fucking serious right now!" I laughed to myself and continued up the stairs, leaning heavily on the railing. By the third and final floor I am crawling on my hands and knees, the alcohol is swarming my senses. I make it to my door and pull myself up into a kneeling position, relying on the door for support. I pulled my keys out of my purse and try to get the key in the lock. I miss every time, damn double vision. I close one eye to aim better, and miss the door handle completely. "Maybe two eyes." I closed both and it is like a switch is flipped. I slumped against the door. My keys clattered to the ground and then I am out like a light.

He waited outside her building for a light to come in one of her rooms. She had walked through the door over 30 minutes ago, drunk. He sighed to himself. This was his least favorite thing about caring for her. the worry. He walked into her building and notices the sign on the elevator, then stared at the stairs. He pictured her climbing the stairs in her shoes, wobbling the whole way up and smiled to himself, served her right to drink too much.

He turned the corner to her hallway and his smile slipped. she was passed out on the ground in front of her door. Her head lay at an awkward angle on her shoulder, hair covering her face. Her skirt had left little to the imagination, now it was saying no imagination needed. her florescent pink panties on display for the world to see.

He picked up her keys that lay on the other side of the hall and unlocked her door. He stared down at her, wondering what it would feel like to touch her. Of all his months of watching her, catching her scent in the air, he had finally found a moment to steal from her. He was nervous that she would wake up, he hesitated, but there was no way he could leave her like this to embarrass herself to her neighbors. Plus she was shitty drunk, the way she was laying spoke volumes about her conscious state. He picked her up slowly, like cradling a sleeping child. He made gentle movements not to wake her. He took off his shoes after opening the door to keep his steps silent. He moved effortlessly to her bedroom, all the while starring down at the perfection in his arms. Her legs rested against his arm and the feeling of her silken skin ignited his wanting of her. She rolled in his arms and he froze mid step. "Smell good." She nestled into his chest, forcing him to close his eyes. He felt her breath through his thin shirt, and his heart speed. He wished he could hold her while she slept, but he couldn't risk being found out.

He lay her in her bed and pulled the blanket up to her waist. He smoothed the hair out of her face to get a better view of her full lips and high cheek bones. God she was so perfect. He couldn't help himself and kissed her forehead, and quickly left before he grew more impulsive.

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