32. Work sucks

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I was supposed to be meeting up with Gemma later on tonight, but some work things came up.  My father has been pushing more and more on me lately, mostly because he is trying to take a vacation.  But once you become an owner of several businesses, there is no such thing as vacation.  I hadn't text Gemma all day.  I was giving her space, so she wouldn't back down.  I wanted this to feel like her decision.

I waited until it was almost ten.  She hadn't text me that she was at the club.  I wasn't there either.  I wanted her to be good and drunk like last time so I could have a chance at her not remembering me.  I was still working on company bullshit, in my office at home.  I sighed and pulled up her cameras on my phone.  I flipped through them until I found her in the bathroom getting ready still.  I text her, "Do I need to send a car?"
She replied back, "No, I'm still getting ready.  I'll let you know when I get there."

I set my phone down and watched her for a few minutes.  I sighed and switched the screen back over to get back to work.  It looked like she was still going to be a little longer.  I really needed to get a better setup at home.  I needed two or three computer screens for my office now.  I didn't always work from home, but now it seemed like I was bringing work home with me.  My phone chimed and I picked it up,  Gemma had text me and as I read it, a giant smile creeped onto my face.

"Yes I shaved my cooch, not that it matters to you."

"I'm going to assume that wasn't meant for me." although I did enjoy it and got a wonderful mental image.  I sent her another text.  "Don't ruin the surprise next time."

I pulled her up on the screen and she was still getting ready, She probably didn't even know she had text me, or that I had text her back.  She will find out soon enough.

I went back to work again and twenty minutes later she finally replied. 

"No that wasn't meant for you. Nor will you be getting into my pants.  You've been friend zoned." 

I know she doesn't mean it.  "Ouch that hurts Gemma.  Any way I can get out of here?"  When she didn't respond, I pulled up the cameras again and saw that she had left.  Maybe she was already at the club, or on her way at least.  She must be really embarrassed.  I text her again.  "Look, I shave too.  It's not that big of a deal.  And I don't plan on staying in the friend zone after tonight.  Sorry to ruin the surprise."

I really don't want to stay in the friend zone with her.  I need more than that now.  I planned on giving her forty minutes before I got there, just to make sure she had a few in her.  Gemma drinks like a fish, so I'm sure she would have no problem accomplishing that.  I get back to work and am going steady at it when I knock my drink over on the desk. "Fuck me."  I stare at the fluid, running away from the glass and over the edge of the desk.  I get up after a good ten seconds of staring at my mess with a pissed expression and go find a towel from the bathroom across the hall.  When I came back, to my dismay, I heard a quiet sizzling sound and little puffs of smoke, coming from under desk.  I run to the source, and I want to pull my hair out.  The water had fallen over the edge and into the cpu.  My system backs up every fifteen minutes, so I knew some of my work got saved.  I unplugged the power strip and just left the room.  I really didn't want to do work on my own personal computer, but it looks like I would have too. 

I pulled out my phone caught the time.  "Fuck"  She was probably at the point that I needed to leave to meet her.  I sent her a quick message.

"Going to be a little later than I thought." 

I sat down at my computer in my room.  At least this one had two screens.  I logged into my work database and while I waited for my documents to restore I texted Gemma again.  "I'm sorry."

The documents loaded and I let out a small thank you jesus.  The system had backed up five minutes before the water fried my hard drive.  I had about ten minutes left of work then I could head on out.  I heard my phone chime.  Maybe twenty if she kept texting me. 

"No worries, I'll be at the bar."

Right where I want you to be.  That means you're not dancing with anyone and you're getting drunker and will be less likely to remember my face.  "You okay?"


Fuck I know that word.  She must be pretty smashed.  "How peachy are you."

"One more drink and I'll be peached."

Okay, now I know she is throwed.  But I really need to get this done tonight.  I can just take my car and make up the time in driving.  "I am really sorry Gemma, I'll be there in fifteen."

I got back to work and pounded on the key board.  I don't think I have ever typed so fast in my life.  Lucky for me, I had already changed out of my suit into jeans and a t-shirt.  I put workable wax in my hair and could fix it on the drive.

I damn near ran out of my house and barely made it out of the gate without a scratch.  I was hauling ass.  My phone chimed and I slowed down to read the text.

"This is Joe, the bartender.  Gemma needs a ride home.  She is drunk and took a Xanax.  She is sitting at the bar with me."

I text him back, looking at the road and glancing down between words to make sure they came out right.  "Be there in ten.  Thanks Joe"

I shouldn't have let her wait so long.  I knew the dangers of pills and alcohol.  She could have been easily swayed into doing something she wouldn't normally do.  Where the fuck is her friend Shelly?  Shouldn't she be there with Gemma?  I switched gears and pressed on the accelerator. 

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