26. Kicks.

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I got home and switched the security system over to home mode, disabling the security cameras inside.  It was already passed eight so I went straight to the shower.  The sound of the spray dulled my senses, leaving my brain to rear its ugly thoughts.  My nerves were starting to do funny things to me.  What if Aaron shows and he decides he doesn't like me?  What if he likes me too much?  I just wanted to hang out, not make out.  No and stuff for him.  What if my stalker follows me?  What if my stalker poses as Aaron? 

A lot of what if's entered my brain but that last one sent a shooting pain straight to my chest.  I started to take deep, calm, breaths, but only after I nicked my leg shaving did my mind go somewhere else, if only momentarily.  I managed to get myself through the shower and shaving process and out into my bedroom, towel clad.  My phone vibrated and I snatched it up at a chance to take my mind away from the worry.

Shelly.  "Text me when you get to the club."

There was no way she was already there.  I looked at the time on my phone and it was almost nine thirty.  Shit, she must be heading there now.  I text her back, so she wouldn't worry.  "Just got out of the shower, I will text you once I get there."

I dropped my towel and started to pull on my clothes in a hurry.  I didn't want Shelly to start off without me.  Moreover, I didn't want her to meet some guy and leave before I even got there.  I didn't want to be left alone there.  Once Shelly met a new guy, She wouldn't text me back until they got done, doing whatever it is she does with them.  I speed walked to the bathroom, my nerves eating at my stomach.  I opened my medicine cabinet to take out my deodorant and spotted my pills.  I applied the stick to my armpits slowly, keeping my eyes on the bottle.  I put the deodorant back and picked up the bottle.  I wasn't having a freak out.  Not a full blown attack, but I was getting tired of dealing with these nerves all the time.  Maybe if I just took half of one.   Just enough to calm me down before I got to the club.  By then it should be worn off, mostly. 

My decision was made for me when my phone beeped alerting me of a text and I nearly jumped out of my skin.  I checked the phone and saw it was Aaron.  "Do I need to send a car?"

I stilled myself for a moment, looking at myself in the mirror.  I broke the pill in half and took it with a handful of water from the sink.  I picked up my phone text him back.  "No, I'm still getting ready.  I'll let you know when I get there."

I set my phone down on the counter and started in on my make up and hair.  I was half way through blow drying my mess when Shelly text me.  "I'm here waiting on you.  What is taking you so long?"  My fucking mufasa hair.  I have thick long hair and fixing it takes a good thirty minutes.  Being in this small as bathroom, with a hot blowdryer blowing in my face and then the straightener warming up in the sink was causing me to sweat.  My hair was almost fully dry and I ran a brush through it, trying to get out the tangles that the blowdryer put into it.  My phone beeped again.  Shelly, "Hurry up, there are a lot of hot guys here."  I started pulling the flat iron through my hair and burned the shit out of my ear.  I made an ugly face in the mirror from anger and kept going, trying to hurry before Shelly decided she couldn't wait on me.  I was starting to get aggravated and really hot when my phone beeped again.  Shelly, "You shaving your cooch?"  I ignored her, trying to get at least a little bit of my hair out of my face and from sticking to my neck when my phone beeped again.  Without even looking at what she had wrote this time, I replied, "Yes I shaved my cooch, not that it matters to you." and pounded send.  My phone beeped again and I was about ready to through the thing across the room.  I finished my hair, after getting another two beeps.

I inspected my handy work and decided all that cussing and sweating in this bathroom was well worth the silky perfection that flowed over my shoulders.  I picked up my phone and dashed to my bedroom to put on my heels and grab my clutch for the night.  I snatched my keys off the counter and armed my security system.  I just hoped I didn't get too drunk not to disable it when I got home.  I walked out and to my surprise, the elevator had finally been fixed.  Fuck yes.  This is going to be my night.  I pulled my phone out to text Shell after I hit the first floor button.  Except her conversation isn't the one that was pulled up.  To my horror and utter embarrassment I had last texted Aaron.  He had texted me back, "I'm going to assume that wasn't meant for me."  Then a little bit later.  "Don't ruin the surprise next time."

My hand flew to my mouth and I didn't know if I should laugh or cry.  I'm so going to kill Shelly.  I hit her name and she had also texted me.  "I'm here for you tonight okay?  Don't chicken out on me."  I quickly text her back as I stepped out of the elevator.  "I just left, on my way.  And also I accidentally texted Aaron that I shaved my cooch, thanks Shelly."  I shoved my phone in my clutch and hailed a cab.  I knew that bitch would get a good kick out of this.

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