7. Pillow talk

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Gemma got home and threw her keys down on the counter and kicked off her shoes right at the doorway. Going to the mall had been a good idea, but not in those shoes. She was walking like an old person now. She halted in the living room. She forgot to lock the sliding lock on the door. She shut her eyes tight and creeped back to the door and slid the bolt and chain across. One thing done to keep a barrier up. She went to her bedroom and threw herself down.

She sighed, and his strong scent engulfed her nostrils. She got up and started sniffing like a hound dog to find its source. She walked around the room, but it seemed to be coming from her bed. Her side of the bed to be exact. It was almost as if he had laid down in her bed and took a nap. This was getting waaayyyy to personal. Not that she minded her bed smelling like a hot man, but she wanted the privilege of inviting that man into her bed. What was she saying. She definitely minded on both circumstances. It was too late for her to wash her bed sheets and be able to get some sleep. She could sleep in the bed with the man smell, or sleep on the couch while she washed the sheets.

Shit, she needed Shelly to come take a whiff. Man he was driving her crazy already. She ran and snatched the phone off the counter to text Shelly.

"Stalker has been in my bed. Come smell my pillow."

Gemma walked to the bathroom and threw some water on her face to help calm herself. She looked at her reflection. Her mascara and eyeliner had started to run down her cheeks. My god she looked like a mad woman. Her phone chimed and she slide her finger across the screen. It was Shelly.

"I'm coming over."

Gemma text back "K."

Her mind was running away with wild thoughts and she couldn't concentrate enough to form sentences. She leaned over the sink, resting the weight of her upper body on her arms. She looked back up into the mirror and drew in a deep breath. He was playing with her. She text Shelly again. "Stop by somewhere and get me a new lock for my door. Pick out the best one they have."
She went back to her room and stripped the bed. Then she tore off her clothes and put on pajamas. The smell of him had somehow gotten into the fabric of her shirt. She didn't care if she had to sleep on the damn floor tonight, he had gone too far.
There was a knock on her door, and she could tell by the rhythm it was Shelly. She opened the door and the chain caught. "Uh hold on." She undid the chain and let Shelly in, who was carrying two bags from lowes.

"I bought you a new door knob and a dead bolt."

"What's in the other bag?"

"The tools to put it in. We are doing this tonight." She dropped a backpack by the floor next to the couch.

"And the back pack?"

"I'm staying here tonight to keep you company. Because I"-she pointed to herself-"am an awesome friend. It will be like a slumber party, with a baseball bat."

It was times like these that reminded Gemma exactly why she was friends with Shelly. "Let's get started on the door. The sheets are on my bedroom floor."


They got to work, Gemma doing the physical aspect while Shelly read the directions out loud and handed tools. The task at hand had put Gemma to ease, but when they were cleaning up, Shelly brought Gemma's mind back to the real world.

"Well now that's finished. Let's go smell those sheets."

They started walking to Gemma's room, Shelly leading the way. She threw back over her shoulder, "You know, in any other circumstance that would sound really weird." Shelly picked up the pillow on top of the pile and inhaled deeply. "Hot damn this does smell good." She looked at Gemma's face and tried to pull her words back in. "But it is super creepy that some guy rolled around in your bed without you being home."

"Ya think?"

"Well it's not like you can call 911 and tell them your bed smells like a man, but you haven't had one in there in months."

Gemma rolled her eyes. "I get laid okay, no need to poke fun at my dry spell."

"I'm just saying, if you had a man around, you wouldn't have to worry about your fallen angel, who likes to roll around in your bed without you. Breaking up with Jake was the best thing ever in my opinion, I just didn't expect you to be so hung up still."

Gemma left the room and Shelly followed. "I'm not hung up, I'm taking time for myself. I don't always need a dick in my life."

They both sat on the couch and looked at each other and then started laughing. "Girl some dick's are worth having." They started laughing harder. "Shelly you need to get your mind out of the gutter." Gemma said while wiping the tears from her eyes and trying to calm her breathing. "I'm in a serious situation."

Shelly sighed. "Just take it one step at a time. The locks are changed so if he is getting in like that, it should stop. Make sure the windows are locked, and then if he still gets in, you can always come live with me."

"You know we can't stand to live with each other." They had lived together before. Gemma was a clean organized person, and Shelly was more of a procrastinator when it came to cleaning. That and her frequent booty calls were not the most pleasant sound to wake up to in the middle of the night.

"I guess we will have to make due with a movie night then." Shelly dug in her back pack and pulled out three red box cases. "I got No good deed, Taken, and the Purge."

"Seriously Shelly?"

Shelly smiled. "Don't worry you got mr big bad baseball bat to protect us." She pulled the bat out of her bag. "Now how about some pop corn?"

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