22. Psycho

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    Having Gemma as my background was harder than I thought. Every time I had to make a call or check my e-mail, she was there, seducing me. Since I was trying not to watch her anymore, I had time to catch up on my work. Rather, I threw myself neck deep into work so I could distract myself from trying to find her and watch her. Fuck this was so hard. I stayed in my office all day and didn't even take a lunch, so when five thirty rolled around my stomach was growling like a rabid dog.

    I had lunch brought up to me, by one of my house keeping staff. No one was allowed on the second floor unless by order. I enjoyed my privacy. I had a plain meat lettuce tomato sandwich, but it made my mouth water. Something about having money made everything taste better. I finished eating and dove back into my work. It felt like I blinked and it was past eight.

    I shut everything down and headed back to my room. I stripped down and lay in my bed, pulling out my phone to look at Gemma. God I hope I didn't fuck anything up with her. I played with my lip ring and text her.


    I set the phone down on my chest and stared at the ceiling. She responded back before a thought could form in my head.


    Time to try and smooth things over. "I wanted to make sure you were still cool with me."

    "Everything is fine. Like you said, no hard feelings."

    I wonder what she is doing. She is texting me back pretty fast. "Good. I like talking to you."

    "So talk to me."

    Pushy much? "What's going on that you don't want to take an adventure with me?"

    "It's some personal stuff. I'm taking steps to ensure that my life continues how I want it."

    Okay, maybe this is deeper than her douche of an ex. "Where do you want it?" ha! that's what she said. "No sexual pun, in all seriousness."

    "Not like it is now, staying at a friend's house and sleeping in her bed." "In all seriousness, nothing sexual."

    Saying nothing sexual, makes me think about it sexually. "Trying to distract me from the issue isn't going to work."

    "I'd rather not get into it."

    Her picture from earlier is not helping. I just want to get back to that kind of conversation. "Fine, but I would love to get into you ;)"

    "I thought I told you I couldn't do this right now?"

    I know you did, but you also left me frustrated and alone, taking care of my needs alone. "That was earlier today. Thought maybe you might change your mind."

    "Well I haven't."

    Damn, she sounds like she is getting annoyed. I don't want to upset her, but damn I need her. "I missed you at the club last night. We should go out Friday again. Maybe I can meet your friend that ditched you."

    "Maybe. Depends on how I feel. Don't expect me to be there though."

    I know she won't be. I blew my shot. Might as well have fun with this. "It would make for an excellent birthday present to yours truly."

    "It's your birthday?"

    She is so gullible "No, but it would be if you came."

    "I'll think about it."

    Aka no. "Is there anything I can do to get you to come?"

    "Don't be a psycho and make me feel safe?"

    Fuck. I know she doesn't know, but it creeps me out that she thinks I might be a psycho. "I might be able to do that. Define psycho?"

    "Lol very funny."

    Oh, you have no idea babe. "What things make you feel safe, and safe from what?"

    "Being a gentleman, like you were the other night minus the toothbrush incident."

    Back to being friendly? Let's up the anti "I can bring my own toothbrush to the party. and deodorant."

    "What? Did you use my deodorant? That explains the little brown hair I found stuck to it."   
    I couldn't help but bust out laughing. I know she was joking about the hair. I made sure to leave no evidence. Not that I would every use girl deodorant. Even though it smelled so good. Just. Like. Her. "No, I was just playing, and the brown hair must be from another man you swooned."

    "There aren't any men I share my deodorant with. You were lucky I didn't catch you my tooth brush."

    Did she just threaten me? ah I love this playfulness with her. I know she is, but it doesn't hurt to make sure."Good to know. I take it your single then."

    "Very. But you already knew that when you took me home and didn't find anything. What about you?"

    If she is asking, she is interested. Mental fist pump. "Women who share deodorant aren't my type."   
    "You single?"

    Definitely interested if she is asking out right. "I thought you weren't ready for that kind of thing?"

    "I'm not, but I don't want a girlfriend of yours pounding down on my door either."

    Excuses excuses. I would never do that. And never to her. "I take extremely good care of the girl I am with and would never do that. No, I am not with anyone right now."

    "Good to know. It's getting late, I'm going to bed."

    "Sweet dreams beautiful."

I've never felt so complete in all my life.  I couldn't imagine what it would be like to be with her. 

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